Watchtower 2004 Pdf

Our Bible-based magazines are available for download in over 200 languages, including sign languages. The Watchtower shows us the significance of world events in the light of Bible prophecies. It comforts people with the good news of God’s Kingdom and promotes faith in Jesus Christ. The Watchtower: Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom is a magazine published twice monthly by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. The Watchtower was first published by Charles Taze Russell in 1879. According to the Jehovah's Witnesses, it now prints over 61 million copies of each issue in 300 languages. 1 2 The magazine is colorfully illustrated and contains about 30 pages of. Watchtower Publications Index 2001-2005, 2006 (entry 1975). Teachings about the year 4026 B.C.E. (which was a basis for counting the year 1975) in the pre-1975.

Watchtower 2004 PdfOptions
Watchtower 2004 pdf file

READ Watchtower (2004) online, free. Free Reading Epub, Pdf. From 2004 until 2009, The Watchtower was released on CD in MP3 format; digital files are now available for download in MP3 and AAC/M4B formats. Sign language: Since 2004 The Watchtower has been made available monthly in American Sign Language on DVD, and has since been made available in more than 30 sign languages. 4 March 2004 To Whom It May Concern, Recently the NGO Section has been receiving numerous inquiries regarding the association of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York with the Department of Public Information (DPI). READ Watchtower (2004) online, free. Free Reading Epub, Pdf.

Documents & Pages

Watchtower 2004 Pdf Full

  • Free Downloadable Files

    The following PDF files that were contained on a CD are now available for FREE for our readers to download: Secrets Commentary Version 2 Amy vs…

  • Jehovah's Witnesses “Child Safeguarding Policy” (Great Britain, Ireland, UK) - 2017


  • Watch Tower's 'Child Safeguarding Policy' (Great Britain, Ireland, UK)


  • Welcome to Watchtower Documents

    Barbara and Joe (2016) Barbara Anderson was a member of Jehovah's Witnesses from 1954 through 1997. She worked at Watchtower's headquarters in Brooklyn,…

  • Articles

    No description found for this item.

  • Audio Archives

    Barbara Anderson's Visit to Beth Sarim in 1993 Barbara Anderson *** 'Serving with Everlasting Life in View' Charles Sinutko (Sheboygan - 1967) **…

  • Australia Royal Commission Archives - 2017

    (THIS PAGE IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT) Videos of 2017 Australian RoyalCommission Hearings All sessions were held on March 10, 2017 in Sydney,…

  • Australian Royal Commission

    An Australian Royal Commission held formal public hearings to examine evidence about child sexual abuse within religious and charitable organizations in that…

  • Barbara Anderson's Profile

    Barbara Anderson is an unstoppable advocate for child protection and outspoken critic of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society’s doctrines that “unduly…

  • Barbara Anderson's Watchtower Documents

    Barbara Anderson's Watchtower Documents - Latest News and Updates Philadephia Judges: 'JWs Used Abusive Tactics - Acted in Bad Faith' Trey Bundy…

  • Barbara's Personal Photo Galleries

    Choose and click on an image to go to any gallery page...

  • Barbara's Photo Albums > Personal Photos

    Barb and Joe's Personal and Family Photos ' order_by='sortorder' order_direction='ASC' returns='included' maximum_entity_count='500']

  • Barbara's Photo Galleries > Beth Sarim

    Barbara Anderson's Visit to Beth Sarim - 1993

  • Barbara's Photo Galleries > Bethel, New York

    Barbara and Joe Anderson - Life and Friends at Bethel

  • Barbara's Photo Galleries > Coming Soon

    YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' YET!!! Besides the hundreds of documents, web links and books that she has made available on this website, Barbara Anderson has a…

  • Barbara's Photo Galleries > Paris 2009

    The Paris, France segment of Barb and Joe's 2009 European Tour

  • Barbara's Photo Galleries > Rome 2009

    Barbara and Joe's Trip to Rome in 2009

  • Barbara's Photo Galleries > Scotland 2009

    Scotland Segment of Barb and Joe's 2009 European Tour

  • Barbara's Photo Galleries > Switzerland 2009

    One segment of Barb and Joe's 2009 European Tour

  • Barbara's Photo Galleries > The Early Years

    Barbara Anderson's Personal Photos (late 1930s - late 1950s)

  • Candace Conti > Court Documents

    Candace Conti was originally awarded M in her lawsuit against the Watchtower and the North Fremont (California) Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in July…

  • Child Abuse Cases
  • Contact Barbara

    Due to the high volume of correspondence I receive here, if you have not received a reply to your message in two weeks please resubmit it. Before submitting,…

  • Contributed Stories of Former Jehovah's Witnesses

    Former Jehovah's Witnesses Share Their Stories & Thoughts The following excerpts are from an assortment of submitted articles by former Jehovah's…

  • Corporate Charter & Amendments

    Corporate Charter & Amendments The Charter Includes: Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Peoples Pulpit…

  • Did You Know?

    Within the following article group, you will discover some interesting facts, people, and events that even most Jehovah's Witnesses have little or no knowledge…

  • Discoveries of Barbara Anderson

    Barbara Anderson was a member of Jehovah's Witnesses from 1954 to 1997. She worked at Watchtower's headquarters in Brooklyn, NY, from 1982 to 1992 where…


    Barbara Anderson has a massive collection of documents, letters, and books representing nearly every decade since the 1830s. Her collection includes many…

  • Evidence Supports Jehovah's Witness Allegations - MSNBC

    The Jehovah's Witnesses have settled nine lawsuits alleging church policies protected men who sexually abused children for many years. By Lisa Myers and…

  • Expanded Search

    Loading google.load('search', '1', {language: 'en_US'}); google.setOnLoadCallback(function () { var customSearchC…

  • History of WBBR

    It wasn’t until the early 1920s that commercial radio broadcasts in the United States were generated from just a few small stations in some of the largest…

  • homepage test

    Barbara Anderson welcomes you to Watchtower Documents //;if(tpopt.bh1){;…

  • I Believed I Would Never Die and Other Short Essays

    There was a time when I believed I would never die. I literally thought that contrary to the experience of every human in history, I would never have to…

  • Jehovah's Witnesses Settle Abuse Cases - Associated Press

    Jehovah's Witnesses Settle Abuse Cases Friday May 11, 2007 4:16 AM By ROSE FRENCH Associated Press Writer NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A victims' rights…

  • Opening Pandora's Box

    “Pandora’s Box” is a simple Greek myth which explained how bad things came to be. In one version, when Pandora opened what appeared to her to be a…

  • personal-misc

    No description found for this item.

  • Research

    Barbara Anderson's Research The following articles cover several subjects that Barbara Anderson has spent thousands of hours conducting extensive research and…

  • Reveal & Trey Bundy Archives

    Trey Bundy's Biography Trey Bundy is a reporter for REVEAL from the Center for Investigative Reporting. During his career, he has worked at the San…

  • Search

    Loading google.load('search', '1', {language: 'en_US'}); google.setOnLoadCallback(function () { var customSearchC…

  • Secrets of Pedophilia in the Jehovah’s Witness Religion (Speech)

    I know you’ve heard of Pandora’s Box, the simple Greek myth that explains how bad things came to be. In one version of the myth the box that Pandora…

  • Suggested Websites

    The following links will take you to websites that I feel I can recommend. They offer interesting information, recent news, and lively discussions about what…

  • The Rawe Files > Document Downloads

    This page contains a huge downloadable collection of correspondence between Richard Rawe, his local draft board and other government officials after he was…

  • The Tullahoma News

    No description found for this item.

  • The Watch Tower Corporation

    Jehovah’s Witnesses are truly a Made-in-America religion. First legally incorporated in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Charles Taze Russell and wife, Maria, in…

  • Un mensaje especial de Barbara ...

    Estimado amigo, Como usted quizas sepa, por mas de 20 años he estado promoviendo que se hagan cambios en las Organizaciones para proteger a los niños de…

  • UNADFI, French Anti-cult Organization - Reports on Barbara's European Tour

    Barbara Anderson, former major researcher for the JW history book in the writing department at the Watchtower of Brooklyn…is visiting Paris. As part…

  • Video & News Media

    The following videos are some of Barbara's growing collection that she is recommending to her readers. Many, but not all, include appearances or commentary by…

  • Watchtower Document Downloads > 1900 - 1919

    Browse these document downloads from 1900 to 1919: Newspaper Clippings Available for free download • 1909 Clippings of Pastor Russell

  • Watchtower Document Downloads > 1920 - 1949

    Browse these document downloads from 1920 to 1949: Pledge of Allegiance Available for free download • 1937 JW-Style Pledge

  • Watchtower Document Downloads > 1950 - 1979

    Browse these document downloads from 1950 to 1979: Inside Story Available for free download • 1968 Inside Story of Jehovah's Witnesses …

  • Watchtower Document Downloads > 1980-1999

    Browse downloads from 1980 - 1999: Supreme Court Cases Available for free download • 1991 Supreme Court Cases (138 listings)

  • Watchtower Document Downloads > 2000 - Present

    Browse these document downloads from 2000 to Present: Joe Anderson's Letter Available for free download • 2002 Joe Anderson's Resignation…

  • Watchtower Document Downloads > The 1800s

    Browse these document downloads from the 1800s: Plan of the Ages 1886 The Plan of the Ages 1905 Edition

  • Watchtower History & Leaders

    This category focuses primarily on the history of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, its founders, leaders and major personalities. The following…

  • We Want You to Have an Open Mind

    The goal of Watchtower Documents (WTD) is, and always has been, to provide factual articles and documents that expose the harmful religious practices and…

  • Why It Is Dangerous To Associate With Jehovah's Witnesses (Speech)

    Knock, knock. 'Hello, I’m stopping by briefly to share with you some good news. Many people feel under pressure because of the stressful times in which we…

  • Woman Says Church Covering Up Sexual Abuse - WSMV

    Jehovah's Witnesses Just Settled 9 Lawsuits The church of Jehovah's Witnesses has settled nine lawsuits accusing clergy of sexually abusing children. A…

  • Zalkin > Court Case Documents

    Irwin Zalkin Law Firm, San Diego, California, represented Plaintiffs John Dorman, Individually, and Joel Gamboa, Individually vs. Defendants La Jolla…

  • Zalkin > Lopez Trial Court Documents

    The 'Lopez' case involved child sexual abuse by a serial child sexual predator within two local San Diego congregations of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The…

Watchtower 2004 Pdf Download

Articles & Opinion

  • Category: Articles

    Shorter news or opinion articles that cover one subject or event. These are also archived under their general subject heading below.

  • Category: Barbara's Research
  • Category: Blood Policy
  • Category: California Senate
  • Category: Celebrities
  • Category: Child Abuse
  • Category: Contributed Articles
  • Category: Court Documents
  • Category: Did You Know?
  • Category: Education Policy
  • Category: Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses
  • Category: History & Leaders
  • Category: Holland JW child abuse
  • Category: Home-Page
  • Category: Humor
  • Category: In the News
  • Category: Jehovah's Witnesses
  • Category: Law Violations
  • Category: Life Stories
  • Category: Media
  • Category: Media Archives
  • Category: mind control cults
  • Category: Montana
  • Category: Mostly About Barbara
  • Category: News from Spain

    Our collection of newsworthy articles and opinions relating to Jehovah’s Witness and Watchtower activities in Spain – many dealing with child abuse…

  • Category: Open Minds
  • Category: Public Documents
  • Category: Publications
  • Category: Recommended
  • Category: Reveal News

    Our updated collection of articles written and prepared mostly by Trey Bundy, but also any others that relate to child abuse, criminal actions or other…

  • Category: Royal Commission
  • Category: Secrets & Scandals
  • Category: Special Editions
  • Category: The Rawe Files
  • Category: UK Charity Commission
  • Category: undo influence
  • Category: Watchtower Doctrines & Policies