Cervix Low And Soft Pregnant

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Cervix Low And Soft Late Pregnancy

What Does Low Soft Closed Cervix Mean. If you find your cervix low and soft, it could mean many different things. The most common explanation is that you are pregnant. A cervix that is softening, otherwise known as “ripening”, tends to happenafter a successful ovulation. You might also be at the end of your ovulation cycle. If you think you may be pregnant, check to see whether the cervix is soft and closed. This is an early sign of pregnancy, but a t the start of ovulation, the cervix will also be high, soft and closed. However, when you’ve reached the height of ovulation, you’ll find that the cervix is very soft and open.

Your cervix is responsive to every movements in your body and pregnancy is no different. First things first, the cervix is the tube-like structure that connects the uterus to the vagina. Sperm make their way down this passage to the cervical opening to kickstart conception. Let us take a look at the position of this delicate and highly-responsive body part at every point in your pregnancy.

Cervix Position During Menstruation Cycle

The position of the cervix is quite different throughout your menstruation cycle. When menstrual bleeding commences, it is lower, open and quite hard to facilitate easier bleeding. Once your periods are over, it remains low and hard till ovulation while the opening to the uterus remains closed.

Cervix Position During Ovulation

Cervix Low And Soft During Pregnancy

Once the ovulation phase starts to approach, the cervix pushes itself up, grows softer and moistens. This happens tso that the sperm can have easy access to the uterus and the egg. The opening is so soft that it cannot be distinguished from the vaginal walls. Once ovulation is over, it will rise back up, grow hard and close the uterine opening again.

Cervix Position During Conception and in Early Pregnancy

The ideal time for conception during ovulation is when the cervix is high, soft and open. Once you have conceived, early pregnancy will make your cervix high, soft and closed. Your mucous plug will prepare itself for pregnancy. Mucous is usually thin and colourless. When it starts becoming a plug, it grows thick and white. This stops anything from entering the uterus and protects you and your baby from infections. While some women feel this change in the early stages, others might experience it only in the later stages.

Can the Cervix Position in Early Pregnancy Be Misleading?

Yes. Your cervix position could be in a typically pregnant position when you are not, and vice versa. For some, ithe body may take a while to change in accordance with pregnancy.

During your menstrual cycle, your cervix will be soft and positioned higher. But, it will not be as high or soft when you are pregnant. The cause of it being soft is because it is swollen with blood due to the increased amount of estrogen in your body. If your cervix doesn’t show the signs of pregnancy, give it some time and try checking with a doctor or a home pregnancy test. Your body is unique and thus, this means of checking for pregnancy is not reliable.

Why Is Checking the Position of the Cervix Useful?

As we mentioned above, the cervix fills with mucus when you’re pregnant. It also keeps changing its position from high to low and vice versa. The position of your cervix and the amount of mucus around it can help you determine if you’re carrying a tiny being within you.

How To Check Your Cervical Position?

Your cervix is generally 3 to 6 inches in length and above your vagina. The cervical position and feel before a period and during early pregnancy are very different. These are some steps you can take to check your cervix position after ovulation.

1. Wash Your Hands

Ensure your hands are clean to avoid transmitting bacteria to this sensitive area. The best time is after a shower.

2. Cut Your Fingernails

Long fingernails can cause injury.

3. Position Yourself

Squat and insert your middle finger into the vagina.

Cervix is soft and low pregnant

4. Know how far to insert

You may have to go a few inches to find your cervix based on the time of the month.

Cervix Is Low And Soft

5. Feel Around for an Opening

Use your finger to feel whether your cervix is open or closed.


6. Record Your Observations

Once done, you should record your observations in a journal or on a fertility app.

In general, the position of the cervix can be determined by how far you need to insert your finger before reaching it.

When Shouldn’t You Check the Position of Your Cervix?

It is prudent to refrain from checking your cervical position if:

  • You have a urinary tract infection (UTI) or yeast infection.
  • You’re pregnant and your water has broken.
  • You’ve just had sex.

Through all of this, you must note that this is not a reliable means to check for pregnancy. Yes, it is a popular DIY way to check if you are going to get good news or not. It is nice to think you can take your fertility into your own hands and can reliably have sex to conceive or not. It is quite an interesting way to get to know your body and really learn what this unique body part is all about.

Low Soft Cervix Early Pregnancy

Do not be disappointed if it seems to state you are not pregnant as it takes a while to display pregnancy. You may even get a positive pregnancy test before your cervix moves into position. You may not be pregnant but it could be soft and high based on the point in your cycle. Your cervix may not even like the intrusion of your finger and give you false results. All in all, if you truly want a firm and satisfactory answer, visit your doctor or take a blood test. The latter is the one truly conclusive way to detect pregnancy.

Low Soft Cervix Before Period

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