Farm Frenzy Pizza Party: Return to your farm and create the ingredients needed for pizzas. Play Farm Frenzy Pizza Party for Free, and Have Fun! Provide the ingredients for the best pizza out there. Farm Frenzy - Pizza Party! Is part of the Farm Frenzy franchise and its theme is quite obvious from the name: making pizza. Contrarily to what you may believe, the ingredients that go into a pizza require a lot of work and money to be made, although no one actually does it from scratch. Download the full version of Farm Frenzy: Pizza Party FREE! Play the full version with more features, more levels and better graphics! Download Free Trial or Buy Now Just $6.99 or Play UNLIMITED. Do you like pizza as much as we do? Then you'll love the pepperoni-packed sequel to the No. 1 arcade farming sim Farm Frenzy 2: Pizza Party! At first, you'll grow crops, feed animals and collect. Farm Frenzy - Pizza Party! Is a farm management game in which you start off by watering your fields to grow grass, then feeding it to your animals, and finally obtaining the necessary ingredients to make delicious pizzas.
- Farm Frenzy Pizza Party free. download full Version For Android
- Farm Frenzy Pizza Party free. download full Version
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Check out our strategy guide for Farm Frenzy – Pizza Party, which includes recipes, trophy requirements, and a level by level walkthrough. See the general tips for Farm Frenzy 2. In this video, I will tell you how to download and install Farm Frenzy - Pizza Party full version free. Follow These Steps: 1. Go to this link: And follow the steps to.
Download Farm Frenzy: Pizza Party and go back to the farm to produce the food you like most – pizzas! Start off passing 90 exciting levels of great fun by growing grain, feeding animals and harvesting. You have to feed 10 different animals and produce some 28 goods to make 6 different types of pizza! Slice truffles, pickle cucumbers and make dough! Game developers did their best to make goods production a really funny thing to do. Thanks to the well-designed gameplay you now have a chance to feel like a real businessman, pursuing your business strategy, purchasing some 15 buildings to accommodate different departments of your production company, conquering the world! Turn your goods into the ingredients you need to make mouth-watering pizzas that will be appreciated all around the globe! From China to Germany, from the US to Italy – the homeland of pizza - your mouth-watering pizzas will definitely rock the world! Download Farm Frenzy: Pizza Party and as you crave to master the fast-paced gameplay, you'll drive away bears, purchase buildings so that to produce different ingredients for your pizzas and upgrade your vehicles. To accelerate transportation of goods and as a result to become the #1 producer and provider of pizzas in the world you have fine upgradeable equipment – a truck and a plane. Check out for new upgrades to make your business flourish! You'll also appreciate some of the finest animations ever created for a casual game! Get extra bonuses for completing goals at every particular level. Excel on the world arena and get awards for your achievements in making high quality pizzas! Don't miss all the fun in Farm Frenzy: Pizza Party!
- 90 levels
- Ten animals
- 28 goods to produce
- 15 buildings
- Upgradeable truck and plane
- Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7
- Processor 700 Mhz or better
- 1 Gb RAM
- DirectX 8.0
• You can sell animals before they land by selecting the warehouse/truck before it lands.
• Bears will eat any items falling from the plane when they land in the same area
• When money isn't tight, it's sometimes best to purchase additional items from the plane in case a bear eats an item or it falls near the back of a factory and is missed.
• You can expedite factory production by fast clicking on the factory ***disclaimer: too many clicks could cause the factory to explode***
• You can purchase animals before all the items land on a level.
THE ART OF WATERING THE GRASS: Bet you didn't know there is an art to watering the grass...but I think there is.
• When you only have a few animals, don't empty the well at one time. Water the grass close to the warehouse (bears take longer to reach warehouse) one mouse click at a time right before the animal eats all the grass. You're water will last a lot longer and your animals won't die. Watch the blue stars at the bottom of the animal for its' health, the fewer the stars the worse its' health.
• Emptying the well at one time and letting the grass sit, some of the grass will die, so there isn't as much to feed the animals.
• When you have a lot of animals empty the well near the warehouse at the bottom of the screen.
• Beware when you use the automatic sprinkler, it waters the grass all over the farm and you can loose more animals to bears. You have to have money to run the automatic sprinkler...if it's not working, you probably don't have enough money.
• Also, the larger the well the less money it takes to fill up.
• Basic well water costs $19 to fill
• First upgrade well water costs $17 to fill
• Second upgrade well water costs $15 to fill
• Automatic sprinkler costs $7
• You only have to reach the goal 1 time during the level, once it's met it counts towards the goal.
• Examples:
• If a goal is 5 goats, you can purchase 5 goats and then sell them. You have reached the goal and it's marked off the goal list.
• If a goal is $20,000, you can make $20,000 and then purchase additional upgrades/products/animals and the $20,000 goal will be marked off the goals list. This is generally the best way to achieve the goals on most levels.
• This is where the game differs from the previous Farm Frenzy games. You can purchase animal by products and manufactured items from the store. On some levels that's the best way to achieve the goals. The items in the city store are double in cost, than if your animal produced the item or you manufactured the item.
• Check what's available at the store at the beginning of the level to develop your strategy.
• The animal's production is random and can vary in time up to 10 seconds...on some levels this is critical to receive gold time. I've had animals produce from 15 seconds into the game up to 25 seconds.
• Chickens and goats seem to eat the most the fastest.
• Cows will die quickly if there are too many animals on the farm, even when the automatic sprinkler is working.
• Pigs seem to eat the least.
• The timer stops when you're in the truck/warehouse and plane screen, so take your time.0
• There are 4 different levels of time. Best time (you automatically receive the gold trophy time) is the fastest time possible. Gold time is the second fastest time, then silver time, then completion time. On completion time you can take as long as you want. You receive the additional stars for completing a level on gold time/best time and silver time.
• You will get silver trophy if you meet the gold trophy time by 1 second, it's kinda' aggravating!
• You receive stars for completing a level. The shortest amount of time it takes you to complete a level the more stars you receive.
• The gray circle with an 'X' indicates you need to purchase a building/upgrade from the shop.
• Stars are used to purchase permits and upgrades in the shop.
• Once you purchase a permit from the shop the building becomes available to you on every level. Sometimes it's best to replay a level after you have additional upgrades to receive gold time.
• Sometimes the buildings are given to you on the levels and sometimes you have to purchase the upgrades.
• The only upgrades that are automatic once you have purchased them are the cage, the dog and the cat.
• The higher the upgrade of the truck and plane the faster it is and it can carry more items
1. Yellow Truck – 2 crates; 20 second trip
2. Green Truck ($300 on levels) – 3 crates; 15 second trip
3. Red Truck (1,200on levels) – 5 crates; 10 second trip
4. Blue Truck ($5,000 on levels) - 7 crates; 4 second trip (total cost $6,500)
5. Yellow Plane – 2 crates; 15 second trip
6. Red striped Plane ($300 on levels) – 3 crates; 10 second trip
7. Red dot Plane ($1,500 on levels) – 5 crates; 5 second trip
8. Blue dot Jet ($5,000 on levels) – 7 crates; 2 second trip (total cost $6,800)
• The higher the upgrade of the warehouse the more items it will carry
• The higher the upgrade of the cage, the fewer clicks it takes to capture a bear.
• The higher the upgrade of the factories, the more items can be inputted and produced and the faster it is (25 – 15 second outputs).
• The higher the upgrade of the well, the more water it holds and it costs less to refill. (Basic well on levels costs $19 to fill, $300 upgrade costs $17 to fill; $1,200 upgrade costs $15 to fill; Automatic sprinkler costs $7)
• Each factory has a specific input and output. Hover your curser over the factory to view the pop up window; it will show you what is needed for that factory. You can input fewer items than the maximum it will hold. The number of items you input into the factory is the number of items the factory will output. Example: You input 3 eggs into a 5-item powder factory you will receive 3 powders, but they will be produced faster than a 3-item factory.
• You can continuously fast click on a factory to expedite its' production. There is a small red column to the left of the progress bar on each factory. When the red column disappears the factory will start to turn red and will explode. This is one area where the game differs from the other Farm Frenzy games, you can continuously 'fast click' on a factory about 20-30 times before it explodes.
For making a Chinese Pizza-make a Chinese Pizza
For making a French Pizza-make a French Pizza
For making an American Pizza-make an American Pizza
For making a Russian Pizza-make a Russian Pizza
For making a German Pizza-make a German Pizza
Save 1 million coins-save a million coins
Catching items in the air-catch 7 products in the air from the plane
Completing the level in record time-there is a 'best time' on every level, beat that time on one level and the trophy is yours.
For Beating every level-complete every level in the game
For collecting every award-collect all the trophies
For playing slowly – play a level for 30 minutes
For playing a level without clicking any products or bears – have cats gather all the products on a level and have dogs cage all the bears on the same level
For earning gold on every level-make gold time on every level
For completing a level without tips – a tip automatically appears when you hover your curser over a building, or you need to purchase a specific factory from the shop (there's an arrow tip or you don't over click and run your well dry an 'tip' arrow will appear above the well. Etc.
For purchasing every upgrade-purchase every upgrade from the shop
For collecting 300 products-collect 300 products
Cost- $100
Sell - $50
Eggs - $10
Egg powder - $40
Dough (egg powder +flour sack) - $80
Flour sack (purchased from plane) - $10
Cost - $1,000
Sell - $500
Milk bucket - $200
Curd (white rectangle) - $300
Cheese (curd +cheese leaven) - $500
Cheese leaven (purchased from plane)- $20
Cost - $10,000
Sell - $5,000
Milk can - $1,000
Sour Cream pitcher- $1,500
Butter (sour cream + thickener) - $2,500
Butter thickener (purchased from plane) - $30
Truffle Pigs:
Cost - $50,000
Sell - $25,000
Truffle basket - $7,000
Sliced Truffles - $8,000
Pickled Truffles (sliced truffles + marinade) - $10,000
Marinade (purchased from plane) - $40
Pizza Selling Prices:
Basic Pizza - $7,500
French Pizza - $15,000
Russian Pizza - $17,000
Italian Pizza - $17,000
German Pizza - $18,000
Chinese Pizza - $19,000
American Pizza - $20,000
Panda - $60
Brown - $120
Black - $180
Farm Frenzy Pizza Party free. download full Version For Android
Polar Bear - $240
Assistance Animals:
Dog - $2,500 can't be sold, keeps the bears away and can cage them with enough barks. The higher the upgrade of the dog...the better he is at keeping the bears at bay.
Cat - $2,500 can't be sold, gathers products randomly and kicks them to the warehouse. The higher the upgrade of the cat...the better she is at gathering.
City Store:
• Animal Products:
• Egg - $20
• Goat's Milk - $400
• Curd - $600
• Cheese - $1,000
• Cow's Milk - $2,000
• Butter - $5,000
• Factory Products
• Flour sack (dough factory) - $10
• Cheese leaven (cheese factory)- $20
• Butter thickener (butter factory) - $30
• Truffle Marinade (pickle factory -handled jar w/red lid) - $40
• Pizza Ingredients:
• Basic Pizza - $15,000
• Gherkins (French pizza; it's the green jar) - $40
• Olives (Italian Pizza) - $50
• Beans (Chinese Pizza) - $60
• Fish (Russian Pizza) - $60
• Nuts (German Pizza) - $60
• Salami (American Pizza) - $70
French: dough, butter, curd, egg, gherkins pickles (purchase pickles from plane)
Russian: dough, butter, sour cream, cheese, fish (purchase fish from plane)
Italian: dough, butter, truffles, cheese, olives (purchase olives from plane)
German: dough, butter, curd, sliced truffles, nuts (purchase nuts from plane)
Chinese: dough, butter, sour cream, marinated truffles, beans (purchase beans from plane)
American: dough, butter, cheese, marinated truffles, salami (purchase salami from plane)
FARM FRENZY PIZZA PARTY TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR WALKTHROUGH (Alphabetical order of levels – level number in walkthrough)
American Street 1– 82
American Street 2 – 83
American Street 3 – 84
American Street 4 – 85
American Street 5 – 86
Butterstreet 1 – 38
Butterstreet 2 – 39
Butterstreet 3 – 40
Butterstreet 4 – 41
Cheese Street 1 – 21
Cheese Street 2 – 22
Cheese Street 3 – 23
Cheese Street 4 – 28
Chicken Lane 1 – 5
Chicken Lane 2 – 6
Chicken Lane 3 – 7
Chicken Lane 4 – 8
Chicken Lane 5 – 9
Chinese Street 1 – 77
Chinese Street 2 – 78
Chinese Street 3 – 79
Chinese Street 4 – 80
Chinese Street 5 – 81
Cow land 4 – 36
Cow Lane 1 – 33
Cow Lane 2 – 34
Cow Lane 3 – 35
Crossroads 1 - 4
Crossroads 2 – 18
Crossroads 3 – 27
Crossroads 4 – 37
Crossroads 5 – 47
Crossroads 6 – 46
Curd Lane 1 – 19
Curd Lane 2 - 20
Egg Street 1 – 1
Egg Street 2 – 2
Egg Street 3 – 3
Flour Street 1 – 10
Flour Street 2 – 11
Flour Street 3 – 12
Flour Street 4 – 13
Flour Street 5 – 14
Flour Street 7 – 16 (4,900 stars for completion)
Four Street 6 – 15
French Street 1 -17
French Street 2 – 29
French Street 3 – 42
French Street 4 – 58
French Street 5 – 59
German Street 1 – 70
German Street 2 – 71
German Street 3 – 72
German Street 4 – 75
German Street 5 – 76
Goat Street 1 – 24
Goat Street 2 – 25
Goat Street 3 – 26
Italian Street 1 – 65
Italian Street 2 – 66
Italian Street 3 – 67
Italian Street 4 – 68
Italian Street 5 – 69
Leaven Lane 1 – 43
Leaven Lane 2 – 44
Leaven Lane 3 – 45
Marinade Street 1 – 54
Marinade Street 2 – 55
Marinade Street 3 – 56
Marinade Street 4 – 57
Pickle Lane 1 – 73
Pickle Lane 2 – 74
Pig Street 1 – 48
Pig Street 2 – 49
Pig Street 3 – 50
Pizza Road 1 - 87
Pizza Road 2 – 88
Pizza Road 3 – 89
Pizza Road 4 - 90
Russian Road 1 – 60
Russian Road 2 – 61
Russian Road 3 – 62
Russian Road 4 – 63
Russian Road 5 – 64
Sour Cream Street 1 – 30
Sour Cream Street 2 – 31
Sour Cream Street 3 – 32
Truffle Street 1 – 51
Truffle Street 2 – 52
Truffle Street 3 – 53
Level Times: Gold: 1:00 (+30 stars), Silver: 2:00 (+10 stars), Completion: 20 stars
Given Provisions: $100, 1 Chicken
Goal: 2 Eggs
Steps and Strategies:
• Purchase another chicken
• Collect 2 eggs
Level Times: Gold 1:30 (+50 stars), Silver 2:30 (+20 stars), Completion: 50 stars
Given Provisions: $90, 1 chicken
Goals: 4 eggs, 2 chickens
Steps and Strategies:
• Sell first egg
• Buy chicken as soon as truck returns
• Collect 3 Eggs
3 – EGG STREET 3: (Egg powder factory required)
Level Times: Gold: 2:20 (+50 stars), Silver: 3:20 (+20 stars), Completion: 100 stars
Given Provisions: $140, 2 Chickens
Goal: 6 eggs, 4 egg powder, $200
Steps and Strategies: Don't over water and you can get gold time. The water given at the beginning of the level is really all you need.
• Sell 1 -2 eggs
• Purchase egg powder factory ($150)
• Make 4 egg powder
• Collect 6 eggs
• Sell chickens and bear
• Sell at least 1 egg powder to make $200 goal
4 – CROSSROADS 1: (Dough factory required)
Level Times: Gold: 2:00 (+50 stars), Silver 3:00 (+20 stars), Completion: 100 stars
Given Provisions: $200, 2 chickens
Goal: 2 dough bowls
Steps and Strategies:
• You need $320 to purchase egg powder factory, dough factory and 2 flour sacks. No need to purchase additional water
• Purchase egg powder factory
• Send plane for 2 flour sacks
• Collect 1 egg and make into powder
• Sell 2 bears
• Collect second egg and make into powder
• Sell chicken (you might have another bear)
• Purchase dough factory, start dough, click on dough factory to speed process (click factory about five times in a row, then let factory rest a second, then repeat cycle. Don't want the factory to blow up)
• Make 2 dough bowls, click on dough factory to expedite process
5 – CHICKEN LANE 1: (2 item dough factory required, I also upgraded cage)
Level Times: Gold: 2:15 (+100 stars), Silver 3:00 (+50 stars), Completion (50 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 1 Chicken, dog, 1 item egg powder factory, 2 item dough factory
Goals: 5 dough bowls, $500 (click factories to expedite production to reach gold time). Click factory about five times in a row, then let factory rest a second, then repeat cycle. Don't want the factory to blow up
Steps and Strategies: Sometimes it's better to purchase items from the city to boost production time.
• 2 Bears attack immediately, sell them
• Ration water, should not need to refill well
• Make 2 egg powders, click factory to expedite production
• Purchase 3 eggs and 5 flour sacks when truck returns
• Make dough 2 at a time two times and then 1 at a time
• Cage another bear, sell bear and chicken, you should have 5 eggs total
• Sell 4 dough bowls and bear, this should give you exactly $500
• Make last dough
Level Times: Gold 1:05 (+100 stars), Silver 2:05 (+50 stars), Completion (50 stars)
Given Provisions: $100, two – 1 item egg powder factories, two – 1 item dough factories
Goal: 2 dough bowls
Steps and Strategies: Definitely better to purchase items from the city
• Purchase 2 eggs and 2 flour sacks from city
• Capture 2 bears and sell (don't really have to do this, just a good habit to get into)
• Make 2 egg powders by using both factories; expedite production by clicking on factories factory.
• Click each factory 5 clicks at a time to expedite production. Disclaimer...Not responsible for damages if you click each factory more than 5 at time. Don't want the factory to blow up
• Make 2 dough bowls by utilizing both dough factories,
• Click both factories 5 clicks at a time to expedite production
7 – CHICKEN LANE 3: (I upgraded my truck and warehouse from the shop)
Level Times: Gold 1:20 (+100 stars), Silver 2:20 (+50 stars), Completion (50 stars)
Given Provisions: $19, Two 1 item egg powder factories, Two 1 item dough factories, 1 Chicken
Goals: 5 eggs, 2 dough bowls
Steps and Strategies:
• Purchase flour sack from city
• Capture bear and sell immediately
• Make egg powder
• Start dough
• You can capture pandas and sell if you want to, however this may slow you down a bit, just make sure you get 3 eggs from your chicken
• As soon as truck returns purchase 2 eggs and 1 dough starter from city
• Start second egg powder and expedite production (egg powder needs to be completed before plane returns from city)
• Collect third egg from chicken
• Start second dough and expedite production to make gold time
Level Times: Gold 1:00 (+100 stars), Silver 2:00 (+50 stars), Completion (50 stars)
Given Provisions: $180, 2 item egg powder factory, 2 item dough factory
Goals: 2 chickens, 2 dough bowls
Steps and Strategies:
• Purchase 2 eggs and 2 flour sacks from city
• Cage bear and keep in warehouse
• Make 2 egg powders at the same time
• Cage another bear and sell both bears
• Make 2 dough bowls at the same time
• When truck returns, buy 2 chickens
Level Times: Gold 1:40 (+100 stars), Silver 2:40 (+ 50 stars), Completion (50 stars)
Given Provisions: Goat, no money
Goals: 4 dough bowls
Steps and Strategies:
• Sell goat quickly
• Purchase 2 egg powders and 2 flour sacks from city
• Cage 2 brown bears and sell immediately
• Purchase dough factory
• Cage and sell 2 more brown bears
• Start dough bowl
• Make second dough bowl
• Purchase 2 more egg powders and 2 flour sacks when truck returns
• Upgrade dough factory
• Make 2 dough bowls at a time and expedite production by clicking factory
10 – FLOUR STREET 1: (requires 3 item powder factory)
Level Times: Gold 3:30 (+70 stars), Silver 4:30 (+20 stars), Completions (110 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 6 chickens, 1 item dough factory
Goals: 12 egg powders, 6 dough bowls
Steps and Strategies: this level is easy to get gold time on.
• Sell 4 chickens to purchase egg powder factory and to keep them from starving
• Purchase 3 flour sacks from the city
• Cage 2 bears
• Sell 1 bear and 1 dough bowl
• Upgrade powder factory to make 2 powders at a time
• Start making powders 2 at a time and expedite production time
• Sell 1 dough bowl and 1 bear
• Purchase 3 more flour sacks from city when truck returns
• Upgrade powder factory again if you can
• Expedite production of the remaining powders and dough bowls by clicking on the factories
• Make powders and dough bowls to reach goal
Level Times: Gold 3:30 (+70 stars), Silver 4:30 (+20 stars), Completion (110 stars)
Given Provisions: $500, 1 item powder factory, 1 item dough factory
Goals: $550, 10 dough bowls
Steps and Strategies: easy level to get gold time on. You may want to restart level if you loose a chicken. I only fill up the well 1 time and sometime not at all.
• Purchase 2 chickens
• Purchase 10 flour sacks
• Cage 2 bears and sell they will not come at the same time. They will come at about 27 seconds and 42 seconds into the game.
• Upgrade powder factory 1 time, make egg powders 2 at a time
• Make dough and powders, expediting the dough factory
• Catch another bear
• Sell 3 dough bowls with 1 bear
• Sell chickens when you have gathered 10 eggs along with any dough
• Upgrade dough factory after $550 money goal has been met
Level Times: Gold 3:10 (+90 stars), Silver 3:50 (+30 stars), Completion (110 stars)
Given Provisions: $400, 1 chicken 2 item powder factory, 2 item dough factory
Goals: 10 egg powders, 10 dough bowls
Steps and Strategies: easy level to make gold time on, good level to receive catching falling items trophy (catch 7 flour sacks in the air), good level to receive record time trophy
• Purchase 2 chickens
• Purchase 10 flour sacks
• Cage 2 bears and sell, the bears will come at the same time around 17 seconds into the game.
• Make powdered eggs and dough bowls 2 at a time
• Cage 2 bears and sell around 47 seconds into the game
• 2 more bears will attack, cage and warehouse
• Sell 4 dough bowls and 1 bear
• Upgrade powder factory
• Start making powders 3 at a time
• Purchase a chicken when truck returns
• Upgrade powder factory to make 4 at a time
• Make powders 4 at a time now
• 2 bears attack, cage and warehouse
• Sell 4 dough bowls and 1 bear (now sell the bear)
• Finish making powders and dough bowls until goals are reached
Level Times: Gold 3:20 (+130 stars), Silver 4:20 (+20 stars), Completion (120 stars)
Given Provisions: $750, 5 chickens, 3 item egg powder factory, 2 item dough factory
Goals: 30 egg powder, 20 dough bowls, $2,000
Steps and Strategies: duh, 'maka lota dough' by clicking fast. Oh, you might loose a chicken to a bear and that's ok.
• Purchase 10 flour sacks
• Upgrade dough factory to produce 3 items at a time
• Cage and sell 2 bears and sell around 24 seconds
• Make powders and dough bowls 3 at a time and expedite production
• Upgrade truck when it returns
• Cage 2 and warehouse 2 more bears
• Sell 3 dough bowls and 2 bears
• Purchase 10 flour sacks when truck returns
• Another panda cage and warehouse
• Sell 9 dough bowls and 1 bear
• Purchase 3 to 6 more flour sacks (if you lost a chicken or 2 you'll have to make up the difference in dough bowls and sometimes I think the bears eat items I've ordered)
• Sell chickens, dough bowls and bear to make $2,000 goal, make sure you have enough eggs to meet the 30 egg powder goal. You will probably have enough eggs, unless you lost some chickens from the bear attacks.
14 – FLOUR STREET 5: (truck needs to be upgraded from shop)
Level Times: Gold 4:20 (+160 stars), Silver 5:20 (+10 stars), Completion (140 stars)
Given Provisions: $450, three item powder factory, three item dough factory
Goals: 40 egg powders, 10 chickens
Steps and Strategies: I prefer to have 1 additional animal over my factory production capacity to keep the factories at their maximum production output. This assists in better completion times. This is an easy level to get gold on.
• Purchase 4 chickens
• Be frugal with the water
• Make 3 powdered eggs at a time until factory is upgraded
• Purchase 3 flour sacks
• Cage bear and warehouse
• Sell 1 bear and 3 dough bowls
• Purchase 10 flour sacks when truck returns
• Purchase 5 more flour sacks when plane returns
• Sell 6 bowls of dough
• Sell 6 more bowls of dough
• Upgrade powder factory to 4 items at a time
• Produce powder 4 at a time
• 2 panda attacks, cage and warehouse 1-2 bears
• Sell 3 bowls of dough and 1 bear
• Purchase chickens to make a total of ten (6 chickens if you didn't loose any to bears)
• If you have enough money, upgrade powder factory to produce 5 powders at a time (you may not have 5 more powders needed to make goal, but this does expedite production)
Level Times: Gold 4:20 (+50 stars), Silver 5:20 (+10 stars), Completion (300 stars)
Given Provisions: $250, 2 chickens, four item powder factory, three item dough factory
Goals: 30 dough bowls, 5 chickens, $1,500
Strategies and Steps: This level can be slightly tricky to get gold if you over water, or loose a chicken to a bear. Other than that, you should be able to get gold time by following the steps below: You, don't need all those darn bears!
• Purchase 1 chicken
• Cage and sell 2 bears
• Purchase 10 flour sacks
• Make 3 powdered eggs and 3 dough at a time for now
• Cage and warehouse a bear around 47 seconds
• Sell 3 dough bowls and 1 bear
• Purchase 10 more flour sacks from city
• 2 panda attack, cage and warehouse
• Sell 3 more dough bowls, and another bear
• Purchase 1 chicken
• Make 4 powdered eggs and 4 dough bowls at a time
• Sell 3 dough bowls and 1 bear
• Purchase 10 flour sacks
• Sell 9 dough bowls, this should give $1,500 plus if you haven't over watered.
• Panda bear attack, just cage the darn thing and let go
• Purchase 2 chickens and upgrade dough factory, don't upgrade and buy chicken until you've reached the $1,500 goal
• 3 pandas attack; just cage and let go
• Start making 4 powdered eggs and 4 dough bowls at a time from now on
• Sell 3 dough bowls and 1 bear
• Finish the level by making the additional dough bowls until goal 30 dough bowls have been collected.
Level Times: Gold 4:20 (+600 stars), Silver 5:20 (+100 stars), Completion (4,900 stars)
Given Provisions: $500, 1 goat, Four item egg powder factory, Four item dough machine
Goals: 50 dough bowls, 50 egg powders
Strategies and Steps: Something big is coming soon; you receive 4,900 plus stars for completing level and it's pretty easy to get gold time on. Personally, I like to play this level several times and upgrade the cage, truck and warehouse to full potential. Sometimes I upgrade the well and plane as well.
• Purchase 5 chickens (purchase 4 chickens if you like to water a lot)
• Sell goat
• Cage 2 bears around 14 seconds and sell as soon as truck returns.
• Purchase 10 flour sacks as soon as truck returns.
• Make egg powder and dough bowls 4 or 5 at a time.
• Purchase 10 more sacks of flour when truck returns the second time
• Sell 8 dough bowls
• 2 bears will come some time around 1:29, you can just cage them or cage and sell. I prefer to cage them and store them in the warehouse. Sell 1 bear and dough bowls.
• Purchase 1 chicken and upgrade egg powder factory to make 5 powders at a time
• Purchase 10 more flour sacks
• Upgrade dough factory
• Make powders and dough bowls 5 at a time
• Purchase 10 flour sacks 2 more times while making egg powder and dough bowls. Sell dough bowls when truck returns to limit items in the warehouse. You can upgrade truck if you want since money isn't an issue on this level.
• Try not to warehouse any more bears as they take up a lot of room in the warehouse
**I usually order 1-2 more flour sacks than I actually need in case I lose a flour sack or dough bowl**
Pizza Ingredients: dough, butter, curd, egg and pickle (purchase pickles from city)
Level Times: Gold 4:00 (+60 stars), Silver 5:00 (+10 stars), Completions (190 stars)
Given Provisions: $19, 990, 2 goats, 1 chicken, Five item powder and dough factories
Goals: 1 French Pizza, 5 dough bowls, 1 butter 1 curd.
Strategies and Steps: This level can be a little confusing as it's the first pizza level. You'll need to purchase butter, curd and pickles from the city to make the pizza. Purchasing the pizza factory and pizza ingredients will cost $25,650. Can you believe butter costs $5,000!
• Purchase a cow
• Purchase 5 flour sacks
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 1 time
• Cage 1 brown bear and 2 pandas
• Sell brown bear and cow's and goat's milk
• Wait to make egg powder and dough until you have 5 eggs
• Sell 2 pandas and cow's and goat's milk
• Purchase curd and butter
• Sell more cow's and goat's milk
• Purchase pickles
• Sell cow's milk, goat's milk and chicken (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE 1 EGG FOR PIZZA)
• Sell 4 dough, cow's and goat's milk
• Keep selling milk until you have $14,000 or more then sell cow and goats
Level Times: Gold 3:20 (+60 stars), Silver 4:20 (+10 stars), Completion (290 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 10 chickens, 5 item powder and curd factories
Goals: 2 Curds and 20 dough buckets. You need to purchase a goat for $1,000 and the curd factory for $1,000. Making gold on this level can be difficult.
Strategies and Steps:
• Sell 3 chickens; you don't want them to starve do you?
• Cage and warehouse a bear
• Make 5 egg powder and 5 dough buckets at a time for efficiency
• Start 5 egg powders (try to do this before the second bear arrives)
• Purchase 10 flour sacks
• Capture 2 bears and sell (they arrive 1 at a time)
• Keep making powder and dough in groups of 5
• Capture 2 bears that attack at the same time. Try to warehouse 1 bear and let the other bear go.
• Sell 5 dough bowls and 1 bear
• Purchase 10 more flour
• Sell 7 chickens (you should have enough eggs for 20 dough)
• Upgrade truck 1 time and sell 10 dough bowls
• Purchase goat
• 3 bears will attack, try to only warehouse 1 or 2
• Sell 5 dough bowls and a bear. This should be enough to purchase curd factory.
• Make 2 curds expediting production by clicking on the factory (click about five times in a row, then let factory rest a second, then repeat cycle. Don't want the factory to blow up!)
Level Times: Gold 3:00 (+60 stars), Silver 4:00 (+10 stars), Completion (240 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 5 chickens, 1 goat, five item powder and dough factories
Goals: 1 Curd, 1 Cheese. You'll need $2,520 to make cheese and curd.
Strategies and Steps: This level can be difficult to get gold time, sell too many bears and you won't make gold time. Sell too few bears and you won't make gold time.
• Sell 1 chicken quickly for water money
• Sell 1 goat milk when truck returns
• Wait to make egg powder until you have 5 eggs
• 2 bears will attack, cage and warehouse both bears
• Purchase 10 flour sacks when truck returns
• Make egg powder and dough in groups of 5 for efficiency
• Sell 1 goat milk and 1 bear
• Sell another goat milk and another bear
• Sell 1 or 2 goat milk and 5 dough bowls
• Purchase 1 cheese leaven and 5 flour sacks
• Another bear will attack, cage and warehouse or let go
• Purchase curd factory and start making curd
• Sell 5 dough bowls and chickens
• Sell goat
• Purchase cheese factory and expedite production
Level Times: Gold 3:55 (+110 stars), Silver 5:15 (+10 stars), Completion (390 stars)
Given Provisions: $1,000, five item powder and dough factories, one item cheese and curd factories
Goals: 12 Curds, $2,500
Strategies and Steps:
• Purchase 1 goat
• You have to be very careful to not over water
• Cage and sell a panda
• Start curd machine and expedite production
• Purchase 3 cheese leavens when truck returns. Yes, I know this makes the water very tight.
• Cage and sell 1 brown and 1 panda bear
• Try to catch the first cheese leaven in the air and start cheese machine, then pick up the other 2 cheese leavens
• Buy water, still be frugal with additional water; you just have a little more leeway.
• Purchase 2-3 cheese leavens
• Sell 5 cheese, you should make your $2,500 goal when truck returns
• Purchase 1 goat and upgrade curd machine
• Produce 2 curds at a time now instead of just one
• You can sell another cheese if you purchased 3 cheese leavens, sell curd and/or sell a bear for the remaining water money.
• 3 Bears will attack; try to cage and only 1 bear so you don't fill up your warehouse. You actually don't need to warehouse any bears.
• Make curds by expediting curd machine without blowing it up.
Level Times: Gold 5:40 (+110 stars), Silver 6:40 (+10 stars), Completion (290 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 6 chickens, two item curd and cheese factories
Goals: 2 goats, 10 curds, 10 cheeses
Strategies and Steps: Sell enough dough to purchase goat, produce enough curds and cheese to make goal. Gold time is relatively easy to make.
• Cage 2 bears and sell
• Make egg powder when you have 5 eggs
• Purchase 5 flour sacks when truck returns
• Fill well
• Cage 2 more bears and sell
• Make dough and powder in increments of 5 for efficiency
• Cage 2 more bears and sell
• Purchase 10 flour sacks when truck returns
• 3 bears attack, try to warehouse the brown bear, cage and let the pandas go
• When truck returns sell chickens
• Purchase 10 more flour sacks when truck is almost back as your warehouse is full
• Sell 10 dough
• Purchase goat
• Cage 2 bears and let go
• Purchase 5 cheese leavens
• Start curd machine as soon as you have milk
• Sell dough and any left over egg products that will fit on truck when it returns
• Purchase another goat when truck returns
• Purchase 5 cheese leavens
• 2 more bears will attack, cage and let go unless you want to sell them
• Make 2 curd at a time to fulfill goal
• Make cheese to fulfill goal
• Sell cheese to upgrade cheese factory (you'll need $2,000+)
Level Times: Gold 5:00 (+110 stars), Silver 6:00 (+10 stars), Completion (490 stars)
Given Provisions: $320, 10 chickens, 2 item curd and cheese factories
Goals: 20 Curd and 3 goats
Strategies and Steps: You begin the level with chickens with no options of making money from them except to sell their eggs for very little money.
Sell chickens and wait for 2 brown bears to sell. Then buy a goat and get into the cheese making business.
• Sell chickens
• Capture 2 brown bears and sell
• Buy a goat when the truck returns
• Purchase 2 cheese leavens
• Capture 2 brown bears
• Sell 1 cheese and 1 brown bear
• When truck returns purchase 10 cheese leavens
• Purchase another goat
• Now make curd 2 at a time.
• Sell 2 cheese
• Capture 4 bears, warehouse only 1
• Sell 1 cheese and 1 bear
• YOU DON'T NEED TO WAREHOUSE ANY MORE BEARS, it will probably fill up your warehouse too much
• Purchase another goat when the truck returns
• Sell 4 cheese
• Upgrade curd factory and make curds 3 at a time
• Sell 2 more cheese
• Purchase another goat
Level Times: Gold 4:15 (+200 stars), Silver (+50 stars), Completion (900 stars)
Given Provisions: $60, 2 chickens, 2 goats, 5 item egg powder and dough factories 3 item curd factory and a 2 item cheese factory
Goals: 20 Cheese, 5 dough bucket and $5,000
Strategies and steps: It will be harder to scrimp on water as goat eat tons of grass. This is a relatively easy level to make gold time.
• 2 Pandas and 1 brown bear will attack almost immediately, cage all
• Try to warehouse the brown bear and 1 panda and sell immediately
• Purchase 2 cheese leavens (if you water a lot you might want to wait until truck returns to purchase, this may slow down your time)
• Warehouse the other panda
• Make 2 curd and 2 cheese at a time for now
• Wait until you have 5 eggs to make powder and dough
• When truck returns, sell panda immediately
• Purchase 10 cheese leavens when truck returns
• Sell 2 cheese and chickens (you should have 5 eggs by now)
• 3 Brown bears will attack, just cage the beasts and let go
• Purchase another goat
• Make 3 curds at a time
• Sell dough and 2 cheese
• Upgrade warehouse 1 time
• Purchase 10 cheese leavens (2 extra in case 1 or 2 were eaten by bears)
• Keep selling cheese
• 2 more brown bears will attack, just cage and let go
• Upgrade cheese factory and truck after $5,000 money goal has been achieved
• Expedite making cheese to reach gold time
Level Times: Gold 3:40 (+100 stars), Silver 4:40 (+50 stars), Completion (100 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 5 chickens, 1 goat, two-item curd and cheese factories, egg powder and dough factories available for purchase
Goals: 2 goats, 10 dough bowls
Strategies and steps: This level is difficult to make gold time if you don't use your resources wisely. You'll have to purchase the powder and dough factories as you can't purchase powder or dough from the city. You can purchase eggs. Purchase some eggs to augment making dough. Don't count on bears for water money. There are no bears on this level. Sell enough cheese to purchase the dough machine and another goat. Use water frugally.
• Sell 4 chickens, I know that only leave you with one little chick and a goat
• When truck returns, purchase 1 cheese leaven and 1 flour sack
• Start curd machine when you have 2 milk
• Purchase egg powder factory and start when you have 1 egg
• Sell the cheese and 1 curd as soon as it's completed for $800. Now we have some capital to work with.
• As soon as the truck returns
• Purchase dough factory and start making dough.
• When plane returns purchase 5 flour sacks and 4 cheese leavens (This is to upgrade powder and dough factories 1 level and to purchase another goat).
• Sell 4 cheeses and the dough bowls. I usually have 3 bowls.
• When plane returns, purchase eggs to complete 9-10 dough bowls and 4-5 flour sacks
• Purchase goat
• Upgrade powder and dough factories as much as possible, expedite production by clicking on them
• Sell goats, curd and milk to fill truck
• Upgrade dough factory when truck returns to make it run faster even though you probably have your last batch of dough in there.
Level Times: Gold 2:00 (+150 stars), Silver 3:00 (+100 stars), Completion (100 stars)
Given Provisions: $200, 4 goats, 5-item powder and dough factories, 2-item curd and cheese factories
Goals: 10 Cheese, 10 eggs
Strategies and steps: This level can be challenging to receive gold time on. I can follow these steps...sometimes I make gold and sometimes I don't. Don't even mess with chickens. Purchase the eggs from the city. Augment the cheese goal by purchasing some from the city. Keep the goats long enough to get 8 milk. Be very frugal with water, even though goats eat a lot. I find the cheese oil difficult to see sometimes, especially near buildings, make sure you get all the oil you order.
• Sell 1 goat
• Purchase 8 cheese leavens, Remember you'll only need 8 milk buckets
• Make curds and cheese 2 at a time
• Purchase 5 eggs from the city, make eggs into powder (optional, they take up less room in warehouse)
• 5 Brown bears will attack, just cage them and let them run
• Sell 2 cheese and 1 goat
• Purchase 5 more eggs from the city, make eggs into powder, again optional
• Sell 2 cheese and 2 goats
• Purchase 2 cheese from the city
Level Times: Gold 3:20 (+200 stars), Silver (+100 stars), Completion (400 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 1 cow, Egg powder ($150) and dough ($200) factories for sale, Separator ($5,000) and butter ($5,500) factory for sale
Goals: 2 cheeses, 10 eggs, 1 dough bowl, 1 butter
Strategies and Steps: This is one of the most difficult levels thus far. Sometimes I get gold and sometimes silver by following the steps below. If I miss one crucial step, I seem to miss gold time.
• Cage 2 brown bears and sell
• Purchase chicken when truck returns
• Sell 2 milk
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 1 time when truck returns quickly to capture upcoming bears and gather milk
• Cage 1 brown and 1 black bear and put in warehouse
• Sell 1 black bear, 1 brown bear and 2 milk
• Purchase egg powder and dough factories
• Purchase 3 flour sacks and 2 cheese
• 2 more brown bears cage and warehouse
• Sell 2 milk, 2 cheese and 1 brown bear
• Purchase 1 butter starter and 4-5 eggs depending on how many eggs your chicken has laid
• Cage 3 brown bears and warehouse only 1-2, leave room for milk
• Sell 1 milk and 2 brown bears
• Purchase separator and start sour cream
• Sell 5 dough, cow and bear ( make sure you have 1 cream/milk for butter)
• Purchase butter factory when truck returns
• Make butter by expediting factory production by clicking
Level Times: Gold 4:10 (+200 stars), Silver 5:10 (+100 stars), Completion (1,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $2,000, 5 chickens, 1 goat, 5-item powder and dough factories, 3-item curd and cheese factories, a dog and a cat,
Goals: 30 curd, 30 cheese, 4 goats
Strategies and steps: Let's see how well the cat and dog do their jobs! Personally, I think the dog is almost worthless and I love dogs.
• Sell chickens
• Purchase 2 goats (watch how you water, over do it and the goats will wither)
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• Make curd and cheese 3 at a time• Order 10 cheese leavens
• Upgrade warehouse ($150) and truck ($300) one time
• Sell 3 cheese
• When truck returns, upgrade truck ($300) and Warehouse ($150)
• 5 bears will attack, just cage 'em
• Purchase 10 more cheese leavens from the city
• When plane returns, purchase 10 more cheese leavens
• Purchase another goat and upgrade curd machine
• Make curd 4 at a time
• Sell 6 more cheese
• 4 bears will attack, just cage 'em
• Upgrade cheese factory when truck returns, expedite production process
Level Times: Gold 6:00 (+1,000), Silver 7:00 (+500), Completion (5,500a0
Given Provisions: $50, 1 cow, 5-item powder and dough factories, 4-item curd and cheese factories
Goals: 10 dough bowls, 40 curds, 40 cheese and $20,000
Strategies and steps: See how much cow's milk is worth! ($1,000) It's worth a lota moo-lah! This level can get hectic.
Start a good foundation by upgrading then make cheese like crazy! Selling bears is sooo out, milk and cheese is worth more. But if you catch a bear or two no fret you can still recover.
• The obvious, feed Bessie the cow
• Capture a brown bear and let him run
• Sell 2 cow's milk
• Purchase 2 goats when the truck returns
• Start curd when you have 2 milk buckets for now
• Sell 2 cow's milk
• Upgrade truck, warehouse and well 1 time
• Purchase 2 chickens
• Purchase 2 more goats
• Make curd and cheese 4 at a time
• Make powder and dough 5 at a time
• Sell milk, cheese and dough and possibly a few bears.
• Upgrade truck and warehouse 1 more time. To upgrade the warehouse the third time cost $12,000 and would be difficult to recoup. So be careful about warehousing bears. Easier said than done 'cause there's a slew of bears.
• Order 10 flour sacks and make powder and dough 5 at a time, sell the little chickens after 10 dough bowls have been made if you want.
• Order cheese leaven in groups of 10. I like to add an extra 5 leavens just in case I don't get one or a bear has lunch.
• Make curds and cheese four at a time for now.
• Sell 'ol Bessie (cow) when you have close to $15,000.
• After money goal is met, upgrade curd and cheese factories. Make sure you have enough leaven and click like crazy to expedite the factories. Walla you're done.
Level Times: Gold 4:20 (+200 stars), Silver 5:20 (+100 stars), Completion (900 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 2 cows, 5 item powder and dough factories, 5 item curd and cheese factories, French pizza factory
Goals, 5 French pizzas, 5 cheese and 5 goats
French pizza recipe: dough, butter, curd, egg and pickles
Strategies and Steps:
I seem to forget this, so I'm reminding myself and you, if you need it. You'll need a minimum of 10 eggs; 5 for dough bowls and 5 eggs for the pizzas. You'll need 10 buckets of goats milk; five for the cheese and 5 for curd for the pizza. I think this is where the developers of the games try to fool you a little bit, as most of us think of putting cheese on pizza. But oh no, they have that listed as a separate goal. Oh, and the cows, you can only use them for revenue as there is no way to make butter, you'll have to purchase butter at the City store at $5,000 each. (Ouch that's $25,000 just for butter). You can get $10,000 for both cows. It's not quite as bad as is sounds, as you need to get your chickens and a couple of goats plus $10,000 for butter (wow, the price of 2 cows). You can sell your first pizza.
TRY NOT TO CATCH ANY BEARS, the beginning of the level can be a little hectic, but you should easily make gold time, well, maybe it will take a little practice.
• Feed the cows, but try not to over water
• Sell 2 milk
• When the truck returns, purchase 5 chickens and 1 goat
• Sell 2 milk
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 1 time
• When truck returns purchase 5 flour sacks and 5 leaven
• Upgrade truck
• Purchase 2 more goats
• Sell cows and 2 cow's milk
• When truck returns, purchase 2 butter and 5 pickles
• Sell chickens when you have 5 dough and 5 eggs
• Make 5 cheese and some curd (you don't need all the curd as your keeping your goats for a little while until you can get 5 goats then sell them after you have enough curd)
• Sell your first pizza for $15,000 and sell the cheese
• Purchase 3 more butter after the truck arrives
• Sell second pizza and expedite production
• Purchase enough goats to make a total of 5, which should be 3 goats if the bears didn't decide to kick some off the farm.
• Upgrade pizza factory, make remaining pizzas and expedite production
Level Times: Gold 4:10 (+200 Stars), Silver 5:10 (+100 Stars), Completion (1,100 stars)
Given Provisions: $1,000, 3 goats, 5-item curd and cheese factories, cream separator available for purchase
Goals: 1 Cream, 5 goats, 1 Cow
Strategies and Steps: You can't buy anything from the City store except leaven, so you need to sell enough cheese to purchase goats ($1,000 ea.), a cow ($10,000) and the cream separator ($5,000). It's important to remember, you can always sell the animals to purchase the cream separator. As for the water, I find it next to impossible to be frugal with 3 goats...they eat like crazy; but they also seem to produce milk a little faster.
• Upgrade the truck and warehouse
• Send the plane for 10 cheese leaven ($200)
• For now, make curd and cheese 3 at a time
• Sell 3 cheese for $1,500
• Purchase 10 more leaven
• When truck returns purchase another goat
• Make curd and cheese 4 at a time
• Upgrade the well
• Sell 4 cheese ($2,000)
• Wait to make curd and cheese until you can make them in quantities of 5
• When truck returns, purchase 1 goat and 10 more leaven
• Make and sell cheese until you have $8,000. This will take several trips to the city. Then, sell the goats. If you lost a goat to a bear attack, make up the difference in cheese.
• Purchase a cow.
• Let Bessie produce 1 milk, then sell her
• Purchase cream separator, if you're running short on time, expedite production
Level Times: Gold 4:00 (+200 stars), Silver 5:00 (+200 stars), Completion (1,100 stars)
Given Provisions: $5,000, 5-item curd and cheese factories, 1 one-item cream separator factory, can purchase butter factory for $5,500
Goals: 3 Creams, 1 Butter, $10,000
Strategies and Steps: You have no choice, you'll have to purchase goats to make cheese and sell enough cheese to purchase a cow. If you have $10,000 to buy a cow, you've automatically reached the money goal. It takes about 25 cheeses to make $10,000 after upgrades and costs. So, I make 30 cheeses to assist in the cost of the butter factory. I find it too difficult to sell the cow for the butter factory and to get all the milk at the same time. It Oh, and the bears, try not to warehouse them.
• Purchase 4 goats, if you buy 5, there's not enough water. Goats eat tons and they eat fast.
• Purchase 10 cheese leaven
• Upgrade the truck and warehouse 1 time
• Make 4 curds and cheese at a time for now
• When you start the cheese, send the plane for 10 more leaven
• When the truck returns, purchase another goat.
• Now make curds and cheese 5 at a time
• Sell 5 cheese at a time, it's just easier for me to keep track of the money
• Order 10 more leaven
• Upgrade truck again (this really seems to make a difference between gold and silver time)
• Order 10 more leaven
• When you have $10,000 and 4 or more milk/curd/cheese. This way you meet the money goal and can purchase a cow.
• Purchase a cow
• Make cream
• Make the additional 4 or more cheese to augment the purchase of the butter factory and sell
• Purchase 1 butter thickener
• Produce 2 more sour cream
Level Times: Gold 5:40 (+200 stars), Silver 6:40 (+100 stars), Completion (1,300 stars)
Given Provisions: $5,000, 1 goat, 5-item curd and cheese factories, 1-item sour cream and butter factories, a dog and a cat
Goals: 10 sour cream, 2 cows, and 5 cheeses
Strategies and Steps: You gotta make cheese to buy cows. Try not to warehouse any bears.
• Purchase 4 goats
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 1 time
• Purchase 10 cheese leaven
• Make 5 cheese at a time
• Sell 5 cheese
• Purchase 10 more cheese leaven
• Upgrade truck when it returns
• Purchase 10 more cheese leaven (you're up to 30 leaven at this time)
• Purchase a cow when you reach $10,000
• Upgrade warehouse, well and plane 1 time
• Keep ordering leaven and making cheese
• Order 3 butter thickener
• Sell your goats when you have $7,500 or a little more
• Purchase another cow
• Sell cheese and butter to upgrade separator
• Make sour cream 2 at a time and expedite production
33-COW LANE 1:
Level Times: Gold -45 seconds (+200 stars), silver 1:40 (+100 stars), completion (400 stars)
Given Provisions: $13,500, 5 chickens, 5 cows, 5 truffle pigs, 2 cats, 5-item powder and dough factories, 5-item curd and cheese factories
1-item milk separator and butter factories and 2 cats
Goals: 5 dough bowls, 5 butters, 5 cheeses
Strategies and Steps: This one can seen daunting at first, until you break it down. I still had to practice several to get gold time. I'm sure many of you can achieve gold time...but I'm going to break the steps down to the last detail. One false click and gold is hard to achieve. The warehouse, truck, plane, dogs and cats need to be upgraded fully from the shop. All the powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and butter factories also have to be upgraded fully from the shop.
EVERYTHING can be bought at the store. It's the easiest and fastest way to achieve the goals. Upgrade transportation vehicles and warehouse to their maximum levels. Sell the most expensive animals first. Purchase ingredients from the store, upgrade separator and butter factories. Oh and when I purchase items from the store I purchase 2 extra of everything for insurance as there isn't any time on this level to have a missed step. CAGE WAREHOUSE AND SELL ALL BEARS THE BLACK ONES LIKE TO DAMAGE THE FACTORIES
• Upgrade the truck fully
• Sell all the pigs and 4 cows (that's all that will fit on the truck)
• While your waiting for the truck, upgrade the plane to maximum and upgrade the warehouse as far as you can with the money you have
• As soon as the truck arrives, sell the remaining animals
• Purchase 7eggs, 7 goat's milk and 7 cow's milk. To do this first select 5 of each item, then select 2 of each item to fill the crates that are partially full. If you try to purchase 7 eggs, 7 goat's milk and 7 cow's milk'll be short on supplies! You don't have to be fast when filling the plane as the timer stops while you're ordering.
• Purchase 15 cats...yup 15.
• Upgrade the warehouse fully
• Upgrade the separator factory fully
• Upgrade the butter factory fully
• Make sure the cats and you have selected everything from the plane
• Now put 5 eggs into the powder factory, 5 goat's milk into the curd factory, 5 cow's milk into the separator
• Purchase 7 flour sacks, 7 cheese leaven and 7 butter thickeners
• Expedite the production by clicking on the factories a little bit cause....
• Purchase 5 dogs
• You'll need to cage the black bears; as they may damage your factories, you'll loose some cats when the bears arrive, but that's OK.
• Purchase as many cats as you can with the money you have
• Make sure the powder, curd and separator factories are completely done with production and all items from them are collected
• Now quickly fill the dough, cheese and butter factories and expedite production and gather the items quickly
34-COW LANE 2:
Level Times: Gold 1:40 (+200 stars), Silver 2:40 (+100 stars), Completion (400 stars)
Given Provisions: $10,000, 5 -item powder factory, 1-item dough factory, 5-item curd and cheese factories; 1-item separator and 5-item butter factory

Goals: 2 eggs, 2 cow's milk and 2 goat's milk
Strategies and tips: Well, you don't really need any of the factories. You just need to purchase the animals and let them produce. Cage the bears and let them go!
• Purchase a cow (you'll have enough water until the truck comes back)
• Sell the first cow's milk
• When the truck returns upgrade the truck 1 time before you...
• Sell 1 milk and the cow
• While waiting on the truck purchase 2 chickens
• As soon as the truck returns purchase 2 goats
35-COW LANE 3:
Level Times: Gold 1:20 (+200 stars); Silver 2:20 (+100 stars), Completion (400 stars)
Given Provisions: $5,000, 1 chicken, 1 goat, 1 cow; factories are all 1 item: powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and butter.
Goals: 2 dough pots, 2 cheeses, 2 butters
Strategies and Steps: This level is relatively easy to get gold time if you use strategy and a little quick clicking.
• Upgrade the plane 2 times
• Purchase 1 egg, 1 cow's milk and 1 goat's milk
• Put the egg, cow's milk and goat's milk into the proper factories
• Send the plane for 2 flour powder, 2 cheese leavens and 2 butter thickeners
• Expedite all production on the factories
Level Times: Gold 1:40 (+200 stars), Silver 2:40 (+100 stars), Completion (+400 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 2 chickens, 2 goats, 2 cows, 5-item powder and dough factories, 5-item curd and cheese factories
1-item cream separator and butter factory
Goals: 1 French pizza
Strategies and Steps: You need to make $15,000 to purchase the French pizza from the city store. I wonder where they got there prices for pizza!
Your animals are worth $11,100; so you need to make $3,900 plus expenses. You have no money to begin with; the animals will all starve if you don't sell any immediately. Sell the chickens and goats for capital. Your warehouse space is extremely limited at first, use strategy to maximize its use.
• Sell the chickens and goats
• Cage 2 black bears
• Put 1 milk in separator
• Sell 1 milk and 1 black bear
• Purchase 1 butter thickener
• Upgrade truck 1 time and sell the other black bear
• Make 1 butter and 1 sour cream
• Don't put any more milk in the separator
• Upgrade truck 1 more time
• Sell the sour cream, butter, 2 cows and 1 milk
• Upgrade plane
• Order pizza from city store
Level Times: Gold 6:10 (+200), Silver 7:10 (+100), Completion (1,300)
Given Provisions: $1,000, 5 chickens, 5 goats, Factories: 5-item powder, dough, curd and cheese; 2-item separator and 1-item butter
Goals: 10 Butter, 5 Cheeses, 5 dough bowls
Strategies and Steps: This level can be hectic in the beginning with 5 chickens and 5 goats...water....water...water. Collect 5-6 eggs then sell the chickens. If you find it too difficult to water and gather products at first Sell a few chickens. Concentrate on selling enough cheese to purchase 2 cows, and then sell the goats. Make your 10 butter and you're through.
• Upgrade the well, the truck and the warehouse 1 time
• Send for 5 flour sacks and 5 cheese leaven
• Cage and sell the black bear so he doesn't damage your factories
• Sell the chicken after you have 5-6 eggs to make your life easier. Well, at least for a few minutes.
• Purchase 10 cheese leaven
• Make more cheese
• Keep purchasing leaven and making cheese until you have to cows
• You may want to upgrade your warehouse and/or truck 1 more time
• Then sell the goats
• When you purchase the cow, purchase 10 butter thickeners
• Make butter and upgrade the butter factory as soon as possible
• Buy a third cow if you need to
• Expedite factory productions
Level Times: Gold 6:00 (+300 stars), Silver 7:00 (+100 stars), Completions (1,500 stars)
Given Provisions: $100, 10 goats, 2-item separator and butter factories, 1 cat
Goals: 12 cream, 3 cows
Strategies and Steps: Thank God for cats! You're given 10 goats with very little money. By now you know how fast and how much the goats each. So water, water, water the grass; no room for conserving water now. Sell enough goats milk to buy 2 cows then sell the goats. Before you purchase your first cow, sell 3-4 goats; so you only have 5 goats and 1 cow. 'Ol Bessie will sometimes wither from starvation with that many goats. Sell all the goats right before you purchase your second cow. You have no means in which to do anything else with the milk but sell it. And the bears, mostly black bears, so you'll have to cage and sell them so they don't damage your factories costing you more money; at least the black bears move a little slower.
• Sell 1 goat (if you can't keep up with the watering, sell 2 goats but it's more difficult to make gold time)
• Upgrade the well
• Sell goats milk and any bears
• Upgrade the truck
• Sell goats milk
• Of course the obvious, I'm sure you've done it several times water, water, water
• Sell more goats milk, keep watering.
• Sell 3-4 goats right before you purchase your first cow
• Produce milk and butter 2 at a time
• Upgrade your truck 1 more time and the warehouse 1-2 times, but don't upgrade the warehouse to the max.
• Purchase 6 butter thickeners
• Sell all goats right before purchasing the second cow
• Purchase the third cow
• Upgrade the separator
Level Times: Gold 5:10 (+300 stars), Silver 6:10 (+200 stars), Completion: 3,200 stars
Given Provisions: $2,500, 3 goats, 1 cow, 5-item curd and cheese factories, 3-item separator factory and 2-item butter factory
Goals: $25,000, 15 butters and 15 cheeses
Strategies and Steps: Cage and sell all the bears or they might damage your factories. This level is pretty straightforward. Make butter and cheese to make money. Making gold time on this level is relatively easy. Upgrade the basics such as your truck, the warehouse, the well (? Depends how much you like to click), maybe the plane. I don't always upgrade the plane, unless I need it for speed. I'd rather send it multiple times and receive smaller shipments. It's just easier to handle.
Upgrade the truck and the warehouse 1 time
Cage and sell all bears
Purchase 10 cheese leavens
Make curd and cheese 5 at a time
Make cream and butter 2 at a time
Purchase 5 butter thickeners for now (they take up more room and you don't need the thickeners quite as fast)
Sell cheese and butter until you reach the $25,000 money goal
Upgrade the warehouse and truck 1 more time
After you reach the money goal purchase another cow and upgrade the butter factory, expedite production
Make an more upgrades you prefer after money goal is reached
You may also want to purchase a third cow
Level Times: Gold 3:40 (+400 stars), Silver 4:40 (+200 stars), Completion (3,600 stars)
Given Provisions: $1,000, 3 goats, 3 cows, 5-items curd and cheese factories, 3-item separator and butter factories
Goals: 25 butters, 10 cheeses, 4 goats and 4 cows
Strategies and Steps: I used a different strategy than normal to obtain gold for this level. Upgrade the warehouse and truck and order butter thickener.
Start creamer and curd machine, while watering like crazy. At first I didn't mess with the cheese, I just sold the curd to obtain some capital to upgrade the truck and warehouse again. I purchased a cow before purchasing a goat. Of course, you have to sell the bears to prevent factory destruction.
Empty the well first
Be very strategic at first at what you put in the warehouse until it's upgraded again. Don't worry about how much product you get into each factory just do the best you can at shuffling
Upgrade the truck and warehouse
Water like crazy
Order 10 butter thickener
Put milk in the creamer and the curd machine
Sell curd
Upgrade warehouse and truck again, sometimes I'd buy a cat
Keep ordering thickener and leaven, I kept the goats and made cheese well after the goal of 10 was reached.
Sell cheese and butter as soon as it's done
Purchase a cow
Then purchase your fourth goat; then sell the goats
Upgrade the separator and the butter factories
Purchase another cow if can afford it
Expedite the production of the factories
Level Times: Gold 6:30 (+1000 stars), Silver 7:30 (+500 stars), Completion (6,500 stars)
Given Provisions: $20,000, 5-item curd and cheese factories, 3-item cream separator, 2-item butter factory
Goals: 10 dough bowls, 30 butters, 30 cheeses
Strategies and Steps: This level is relatively easy to achieve gold time and you probably have your preferences on what you like to upgrade and purchase. Therefore I'm putting in the first few steps and you can take it from there. The following is what I found to be the least stressful. Purchase goats and 1 cow at first and make some upgrades. When the cheese goal is almost met, then I purchase additional cows. Sell the goats as soon as the cheese goal is met. This way, animals don't seem to wither and die. Initially I caged and sold the bears.
Purchase 4 goats,1 cow and a cat
Upgrade truck and warehouse 2 times
Upgrade well 1 time
Purchase 10 cheese leaven
Cage 2 brown bears and sell
When truck returns purchase chicken
Purchase 5 butter thickeners and 5 flour sacks
Keep making cheese and butter, then sell
Order supplies before you need them
Make upgrades according to your preferences
Sell goats when cheese goal is almost met
Purchase cows and work on butter goal
Sell chicken when dough goal is met
Level Times: Gold 5:10 (+600 stars, Silver 6:10 (+100 stars), Completion (1,900 stars)
Given Provisions: $33,300, 2-item French Pizza oven, 5-item powder, dough, separator and butter factories
Goals: 10 French pizzas, 1 truffle pig, $130,000
French pizza recipe: dough, egg, curd, butter and gherkins pickles
Strategies and Steps: You should cage and sell the black bears to prevent factory damage. Purchase 3 cows and sell butter to make upgrades.
Then purchase chickens and goats and start selling pizzas. Sell animals when they're no longer needed. Make money goal; then purchase the truffle pig
Purchase 3 cows
Purchase 10 butter thickeners
Upgrade well, truck and warehouse 1 time
Sell 3 butter
Cage bears and sell with 3 butter
Upgrade truck and warehouse 1 time
Sell 6 more butter
Cage and sell 2 black bears
Upgrade warehouse and truck fully
Upgrade plane 1 time
Purchase 2 goats, 5 chickens and a cat
Order 10 butters and 5 flour sacks
When plane returns, purchase 5 flour sacks and 5 gherkins
Make, butter, curd and dough for pizzas
Purchase 5 more gherkins
Make pizzas
Sell pizzas and any animals you no longer need
Make money goal, then purchase truffle pig
Level Times: Gold 1:50 (+200 stars), Silver 2:50(+100 stars), Completion (500 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 1 truffle pig, 5-item separator, powder and curd factory, can purchase: French pizza oven, cheese, butter and dough factories
Goals: 1 French Pizza, 1 dough bowl and 1 butter
Strategies and steps: Black bears attack feverishly...good thing you can purchase most things from the city after selling the pig. This level is really easy to make gold. You can choose to cage the black bears or just let them roam. I have to cage them as they're too much of a distraction when they roam. Yes, they'll probably damage your factories but you only need 1 of every no biggie!
Sell the pig
When truck returns, upgrade plane
Purchase 1 egg, 1 goat's milk and 1 cow's milk and put them in the factories
Purchase 1 flour sack, 1 cheese leaven and 1 butter thickener
Purchase the dough, cheese and butter factories
Purchase the French pizza
Produce the dough, cheese and butter
Level Times: Gold 2:00 (+100 stars), Silver 3:00 (+100 stars), Completion (700 stars)
Given Provisions: $12,000, 1-item French pizza oven and butter factory; can purchase: egg, dough, curd, cheese (except you'll have to demolish the pizza oven) and separator
Goals: $16,000, 1 chicken, 1 cow and 1 goat
Strategies and steps: This one is sooooo easy to make gold. Purchase items from the city to make pizza, upgrade truck, sell pizza, purchase animals. YOU DO NOT NEED SOUR CREAM ON THIS PIZZA and that's the clincher. See if you can finish the level in under a minute.
• Upgrade plane 2 times
• Purchase egg, dough, curd, butter and gherkins
• Catch falling items and start pizza, you can expedite making the pizza...isn't much else to do except...
• Upgrade truck 2 times (make sure you have $1,000 to make money goal)
• Sell pizza (you should meet money goal)
• When truck returns, purchase chicken, goat and cow
Level Times: Gold 1:50 (+1,500 stars), Silver 2:50 (+1,000 stars), Completion ($1,000)
Given Provisions: 10 goats, 2-item separator and butter factories
Goals: 1 butter
Strategies and steps: Easy, easy, easy; upgrade truck, sell goats, upgrade plane, purchase milk and butter thickener and produce
• Upgrade truck 2 times
• Sell all goats
• Upgrade plane 2 times for speed
• Purchase milk and butter thickener
• Catch milk and butter thickener in the air
• Make sour cream; expedite production
• Make butter; expedite production
Level Times: Gold 3:50 (+1,500 stars), Silver 4:50 (+1,000 stars), Completion (1,000)
Given Provisions: 3 cows, 1-item separator, you can purchase 2 more separators
Goals: 15 butter thickeners and 1 basket of truffles.
Strategies and steps: Here the developers of the game go again. Trying to catch us off guard; you have to purchase 15 butter thickeners with no way to make butter! Just upgrade the truck and warehouse, sell cream, milk and cows, purchase pig. Oh yes, purchase the thickeners. I just caught and sold all the bears.
Upgrade truck and warehouse 2 times
Sell 3 black bears, 1 cream and the milk you have
Purchase 5 thickeners (I purchase 5 at a time and sell some of them, to keep open slots in the warehouse)
Make cream continuously and expediting when you can, be careful not to blow up the factory
Keep repeating the above steps until you have 15 thickeners and $35,000; sell the cows
Purchase the pig, watch for the pig to dig up the truffles, then collect the truffles
Level Times: Gold 4:20 (+700 stars), Silver 5:20 (+200 stars), Completion (2,300 stars)
Given Provisions: $100, 5 goats, 6 cows; 5-item curd, cheese, separator and butter factories; can purchase truffle cutter for $35,000
Goals: 2 sliced truffles, 2 truffle pigs
Strategies and steps: Sell the goats, to me, they eat the most and the fastest, plus cows and butter make more money faster. Sell enough milk and cream to get upgrades. I like to purchase a cat, as I miss the milk when there are this many cows...3 misses milk pays for the cat. Then sell enough butter to purchase 2 truffle pigs and a truffle cutter.
• Sell 4 goats
• Collect cow's milk and put in separator
• Upgrade truck 1 time and well 1 time and warehouse 2 times
• Fill the truck with milk and cream; then sell
• Cage the 2 black bears and try not to warehouse them. If you catch them near the well, they won't damage your buildings when they run from the cages.
• When truck returns, purchase a cat
• Upgrade plane 1 time and purchase 10 butter thickeners and 5 cheese leaven
• Upgrade truck to full potential (you can upgrade warehouse to the max if you want, I don't like to spend the $12,000 for the last upgrade)
• Sell butter and cheese and purchase leaven (approximately 35-40 total) until you have $50,000
• Purchase truffle pig
• Make sure you have 10+ milk/butter/cream combination to assist the purchase of second pig) before selling goat and cows
• Sell goat and cows to purchase truffle cutter
• Make sure you have 10+ milk/butter/cream combination to assist the purchase of second pig)
• Make remaining butter and sell first sliced truffle Or sell 2 sliced truffles to purchase second pig
Level Times: Gold 2:30 (+2,000 stars), Silver 3:30 (+1,000 stars), Completion (4,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $15,000, 5 cows, 5-item dough, butter and curd factories, 1-item truffle cutter
Goals: 1 sliced truffle, 3 dough bowls, 3 butter and 3 cheeses.
Strategies and steps: This is an awkward level. You can purchase the 3 egg powder and 3 flour sacks from the city (you don't need any chickens).
You can purchase 3 curds and 3 cheese leaven from the city (no need for a goat). You have cows, but no way to make the sour cream, so you'll have to purchase the sour cream from the city along with the cheese leaven. So don't to basics, just sell the milk and the cows to purchase a truffle pig. No bears on this level.
• The obvious by now, feed the cows, spread the water around so you can see the cow's milk easier
• Upgrade the truck 2 times and warehouse 1 time
• Fill the truck/warehouse with milk and sell while doing the following. You'll be keeping the truck real busy
• I like to purchase a cat (optional, I like to purchase a cat, can't always see the cow's milk, 3 missed milk and I've paid for the cat)
• Purchase 3 egg powder and 3 flour sacks, make 3 dough
• As soon as the plane returns; purchase 3 curd and 3 cheese leaven, make 3 cheese
• As soon as the plane returns; purchase 3 sour cream and 3 butter thickeners, make 3 butter
• Keep selling milk until you have $30,000, sell cows
• Purchase truffle pig, know the rest, slice the truffles, expedite production
Level Times: Gold 1:50 (+2,000 stars), Silver 2:50 (+1,000 stars), Completion (4,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $13,500, 10 chickens, 10 goats, 10 cows, 3 dogs and 3 cats; purchase availability: powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and butter factories
Goal: $100,000
Strategies and steps: No need to purchase the factories. This is a good level to receive the no clicking any products and no clicking or bears trophy (it's best to have the fully upgraded cats and dogs. Upgrade the well fully so you don't accidentally select product while water grass). You will probably have to replay the level to get gold time. It's more difficult to obtain the trophies and make gold time. The bears attack feverishly, but you have the dogs. Let the dogs capture the bears and let the bears run.; water the grass close to the warehouse to avoid loosing animals.
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 2 times
• Upgrade well 2 times (depends on how much you like to click)
• Sell the chickens and 6 goats
• When truck returns sell remaining goats and a warehouse full of products; around $10,000 +
• Just let the dogs and cats take care of the rest; you can assist the cat by collecting milk
• Send the truck to sell milk when full (10 milks) and water the grass near the warehouse, you're more likely to collect more milk. Cat don't like collecting milk behind bears/cages
• When you have $50,000; sell 10 milk and 4 cows
• Upgrade to the blue truck when truck returns; sell 5 milk and the 6 cows
Level Times: Gold 1:40 (+2,000 stars), Silver 2:40 (+1,000 stars), Completion (4,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 10 chickens, 1 truffle pig, can purchase truffle cutter
Goals: 1 sliced truffle, 10 eggs
Strategies and steps: There are no bears on this level, unless you go over gold time. Then you receive an influx of black bears. Follow the steps below and you can achieve gold time. Sell too few chickens you can't upgrade truck which cuts the trip 5 seconds which will make the difference between gold and silver time. Sell too many chickens you can't collect the 10 eggs in time.
• Sell 7 chickens
• Be frugal with the water as you only have $50
• Upgrade the truck 1 time
• Collect eggs and 3 truffles
• Immediately after the pig finds the third truffle...
• Sell 2 truffles and the pig
• Purchase truffle cutter
• Slice truffles and expedite production
Level Times: Gold 2:40 (+700 stars), Silver 3:40 (+200 stars), Completion (2,300 stars)
Given Provisions: $20, 1 cow, 1 truffle pig, 5-item separator and butter factory, 1-item truffle cutter; can purchase pickle (marinade) factory
Goals: 5 sliced truffles, 1 pickled truffle
Strategies and steps: This one is easy. Gather milk and truffles, then slice truffles, then sell and marinade 1 truffle. No need to keep any bears.
• Sell 1 milk
• Slice truffle
• When truck returns; purchase 1 marinade and 2 butter thickeners
• Sell 2 butter and 3 cut truffles
• When truck returns, upgrade to the blue truck and sell any milk, cow and pig. MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE 1 SLICED TRUFFLE ON THE FARM.
• Purchase pickle factory
• Produce pickled truffles (expedite production if you want to or need to due to time)
Level Times: Gold 3:20 (+1,000 stars), Silver 4:20 (+500 stars), Completion (2,500 stars)
Given Provisions: $30,000, 1 truffle pig, 5 cows, 5-item separator and butter factories; can purchase cutter and pickle factories
Goals: 16 truffle baskets, 8 sliced truffles
Strategies and steps: This one is so easy. Sell the cows, buy a second pig and a few upgrades. Sell 5 truffles, purchase cutter. The bears, keep or let 'em go...your preference, well on second thought...just cage the bears.
• Upgrade the truck 2 times
• Sell the cows
• Purchase another truffle pig
• Wait until you have 5 truffles, then sell
• Purchase the cutter
• Slice and collect 5 sliced truffles
• Upgrade truffle cutter
Level Times: Gold 4:00 (+1,000 stars), Silver 5:00 (+500 stars), Completion (1,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $100, 1 truffle pig, 5 cows; 5-item separator and butter factories; 2-item cutter and 1-item pickle factory
Goals: $100,000, 10 pickled truffles, 2 truffle pigs
Strategies and steps: Just follow the steps and sell the bears to prevent damage
• Sell 2 cows
• When truck returns, upgrade warehouse 2 times and truck 3 times to max/blue
• Upgrade plane 1 time
• Purchase 10 butter thickeners and 5 marinade
• Cage and sell all bears to avoid factory damage
• You're limited on warehouse space; when you start to use the last butter thickeners, purchase 10 more (you'll need approx. 30 thickeners total)
• Try to send truck with $20,000 plus worth of items, except when you have to sell the bears
• Keep selling pickled truffles and butter
• Remember to purchase 5 more marinades
• When you have $85,000; sell the cows; if you have $90,000 upgrade truck to blue
• Purchase another pig after you reach you $100,000 goal
• Upgrade the pickle factory 1 time
Level Times: Gold 4:15 (+1,000 stars), Silver 5:15 (+500 stars), Completion (3,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 2 truffle pigs; 5-item separator and butter factories; 2-item cutter and pickle factories
Goals: 1Butter, 20 sliced truffles and 30 truffle baskets
Strategies and steps: Cage and sell all bears. This level can be slightly difficult to get gold time. The following steps are the best way I found to achieve gold time in about 4 minutes. Sometimes I expedited the cutter and pickle factory.
• Sell 2 baskets of truffles
• Cage 2 bears; delay caging the bears as much as you can so you can warehouse them to prevent factory damage
• Upgrade truck and warehouse 2 times
• Sell the bears
• Slice and marinade 2 truffles at a time
• Purchase 10 marinades
• Cage and sell 2 more bears
• Sell pickled truffles and bears
• Purchase a third pig as soon as you can
• Order 10 more marinades
• Upgrade cutter factory when you can
• Purchase a cow and a cat
• Purchase 1 butter thickener
• Purchase another pig if you can
Level Times: Gold 3:50 (+1,000 stars), Silver (+500 stars), Completion (7,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $50,000, 2 truffle pigs; 5-item separator and butter factories; 3-item slicing and pickle factories
Goals: 20 pickled truffles, 5 butter squares, 3 truffle pigs
Strategies and Steps: Capture and sell all polar bears. I like to purchase a cat; as sometimes the truffle baskets seem to hide. If the cat catches 1 basket I don't, it has definitely paid for itself. Expedite factory production when you can. Purchase 1-2 extra items from the city in case you didn't collect all the items
• Purchase a truffle pig. Yes, I know no money, that's OK; pigs eat slowly.
• Sell 3 truffle baskets
• When truck returns; upgrade warehouse and truck 2 times
• Purchase 10 marinades
• Slice truffles 3 at a time and marinade 2 at a time
• Capture 4 polar bears and sell
• Sell 5 pickled truffles and upgrade pickle factory
• Purchase 10 more marinades
• Purchase a cow
• Sell pickled truffles and any bears
• Order 6 butter thickeners and 2 extra marinades
• Purchase 4 more cows
• Upgrade well and warehouse to the maximum levels
• Expedite the production of the factories
Level Times: Gold 4:40 (+1,000 stars), Silver 5:40 (+500 stars), Completion (8,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $100, 2 truffle pigs, 5 cows, 5 goats; 1-item curd, cheese, separator and butter factories; 3-item truffle slicing and pickle factories
Goals: 30 sliced truffles, 30 pickled truffles, 1 butter and 1 cheese
Strategies and Steps: You have to sell all the bears to avoid destruction of factories
• Sell 4 goats
• Water, water, water
• When truck returns, upgrade warehouse 2 times and truck 1 time
• Sell 1 goat (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE 1 GOATS MILK) and sell 2 cows
• When truck returns, sell milk and 2 cows, keep 1 cow
• Upgrade truck and plane 1 time
• Purchase a cat
• Purchase 10 marinade and 5 butter thickeners
• Sell bears
• Purchase 5 marinade and 1 cheese leaven
• Sell cheese, pickled truffles and butter
• Purchase another pig
• Sell more pickled truffles and cheese
• Purchase another pig
• Sell pickled truffles, cheese and cow
• Purchase 10 more marinades
• Upgrade truffle slicing and pickle factories
• Slice and pickle truffles 4 at a time and expedite production
Level Times: Gold 5:50 (+2,500 stars), Silver 6:50 (+500 stars), Completion (7,500 stars)
Given Provisions: $60,000, 5 goats, 5 cows; 5-item curd, cheese, sour cream and butter factories, 4-item truffle slicing and pickle factories
Goals: 40 sliced truffles, 40 marinated truffles, 6 truffle pigs
Strategies and Steps: Cage and sell all know why by now. This is a very busy level; I can give you guidelines on how I achieved gold. But honestly, you'll probably have to find your own rhythm to achieve gold. I personally don't care for the automatic sprinkler; I can't control where the grass grows and loose too many animals. Keep goats to make cheese until you have 2 pigs; then sell them. Keep cows to make butter until you have 5 pigs, and then sell them. I use 2 cats to assist in gathering. Purchase 6 pigs, then upgrade truffle slicing factory and pickle factory.
• Upgrade well 2 times and water, water, water
• Purchase a pig and a cat
• Upgrade 2 times and purchase 10 cheese leaven, 10 butter thickeners and 5 marinades
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 2 times
• Make cheese and milk and sell
• Of course, capture the bears and sell them
• Since it's so hectic, just do your best in production, don't worry about how many items go into the factories
• Purchase another cat
• Sell enough cheese, butter and marinated truffles to upgrade warehouse and truck to it's maximum
• Keep order supplies from the city and make cheese, butter and marinated truffles to buy a second pig
• Sell the goats after purchasing the second pig
• Keep ordering supplies from the city, make butter and marinated truffles and selling them and buying pigs
• Sell cows when you have 5 pigs
• Upgrade factories after you have six pigs. Expedite production of factories when possible.
Level Times: Gold 5:20 (+1,500 stars), Silver 6:20 (+500 stars), Completion (8,500 stars)
Given Provisions: $100, 4 chickens, 4 goats, 4 cows, dog and a cat; 5-item powder, dough, curd, sour cream and butter factories; level 3 pizza oven.
Goals: 20 French pizzas, 20 dough and 20 curds
Strategies and Steps: Well, the obvious, if you sell 20 pizzas, you'll need 20 dough and 20 curds. All the goals will be made at once.
You'll need 40 eggs; 20 for dough and 20 for the pizzas; plus 20 butter, 20 curd and 20 gherkins pickles for 20 pizzas. Of, course the polar bears like to drop in, so cage and sell them. The secret to this level is to sell the animals to get upgrades, and then buy the animals back after you've make 1-2 pizzas. Purchase flour sacks 5 at a time or make sure you have 5 raw eggs available for the pizzas. I end the level with all upgrades, 10 chickens, 5 goats and 5 cows.
• Sell 2 goats and 1 cow
• Water, water, water
• Upgrade well, truck and warehouse 2 times when truck returns
• Sell the bears
• Upgrade plane 2 times
• Purchase 3 flour sacks, 3 butter thickener and 3 gherkins pickles
• Make 3 pizzas and sell
• Start 3 pizzas
• While pizzas are being made, make 5 egg powders, 5 curd and 5 sour cream
• Order 5 flour sacks, 5 butter thickeners and 5 gherkins pickles
• Sell pizzas and make dough and butter while the pizzas are being sold, after the plane order comes in
• Upgrade, truck, warehouse and well to maximum
• Start making 5 pizzas
• Order 5 flour sacks, 5 butter thickeners and 5 gherkins pickles
• Sell pizzas and make dough and butter while the pizzas are being sold, after the plane order comes in
• Repeat the last 2 steps until all pizzas are made (purchase additional animals and upgrade pizza oven)
Level Times: Gold 5:00 (+2,000 stars), Silver 6:00 (+1,000 stars), Completion (1,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 5 truffle pigs; 5-item powder, dough, curd, sour cream and butter factories; 3-item French pizza oven
Goals: 30 French pizzas, $300,000
Strategies and steps: Keep 5 raw eggs available as much as possible for the pizzas. This is relatively simple, just need to find a rhythm that works for you. Sell 2-3 truffle pigs for capital, to obtain upgrades and animals. Order 5 extra items for the pizzas. I like to have 7-8 chickens since 2 eggs are needed per pizza. Purchase 4 goats as the pizzas only need goat curd. Purchase 5-6 cows for the butter. Sell the truffle pigs when you have $275,000. Upgrade pizza oven after money goal has been met.
• Sell 2 truffle baskets and 2 pigs
• Upgrade warehouse and truck to the maximum
• Cage and warehouse 3 bears
• Sell 6 truffle baskets
• Upgrade well to the maximum
• Purchase 3 cats and 4 dogs
• Sell more truffles
• Purchase 7 chickens, 4 goats and 6 cows
• Upgrade plane to the maximum
• Purchase 10 flour sacks, 10 butter thickeners and 10 gherkins (try to keep 5 raw eggs available)
• Start making pizzas after dough and butter are made
• Sell pizzas, bears and truffles
• Order 10 flour sacks, 10 butter thickeners and 10 gherkins (try to keep 5 raw eggs available)
• Sell pizzas, bears and truffles
• Order 10 flour sacks, 10 butter thickeners and 10 gherkins (try to keep 5 raw eggs available)
• Sell truffle pigs when you have $275,000
• Order 5 flour sacks, 5 butter thickeners and 5 gherkins (not all the items were probably picked up, this is insurance)
• Sell other animals when you have enough products for the pizzas
• Upgrade pizza oven after money goal have been met
Level Times: Gold 2:30 (+1,500 stars), Silver 3:30 (+500 stars), Completion 6,500 stars
Given Provisions: $0, 1 Cow, 1 Truffle Pig, 1 Goat, 1 Chicken, 1 dog and 1 cat; 5-item powder, dough, curd, cheese, cream separator and butter factories
Goals: 2 Russian pizzas, 2 Sour creams, 5 cheeses
Strategies and Steps: This level is easy to get gold time. You can sell the chicken at the beginning. I don't...I use the art of watering technique. Sell 1 truffle as soon as it's produced.
• Sell truffle
• Upgrade warehouse, truck and plane 2 times
• Purchase 2 flour sacks, 5 cheese leaven, 2 butter thickeners and 2 fish
• When you have 2 eggs start making powder then dough
• Sell chicken along with 3 bears
• When you have 2 goat's milk and 2 cow's milk start making cheese and butter
• When truck returns, sell pig and any truffles to purchase pizza factory
• Purchase another goat if needed to make 5 cheeses
Level Times: Gold 4:45 (+2,000 stars), Silver 5:45 (+1,000 stars), Completion (7,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $50,000, 1 dog, 1 cat; 5-item powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and cheese factories
Goals: 4 truffles, 5 cow's milk, 5 goat's milk, 6 Russian pizzas
Strategies and Steps:
• Purchase a pig
• Sell 1 truffle
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 2 times
• Purchase 2 chickens and 1 goat
• Purchase 6 flour sacks
• Sell 2 truffles and bears
• Purchase 10 cheese leaven
• Purchase a cow
• Purchase 6 butter thickeners
• Sell 3 truffles and 3 bears
• Purchase 2 cows and 1 goat
• Upgrade truck to maximum/blue
• Purchase 6 fish
• Sell pig, chickens and truffles and any bears
• Start making pizzas
• Sell goats after 10 cheese have been made
• Sell cows when 6 butter and 6 sour cream have been produced
• Sell 2 pizzas and upgrade pizza factory
Level Times: Gold 4:20 (+2,000 stars), Silver 5:20 (+1,000 stars), Completion (8,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 4 truffle pigs, 5-item powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and butter factories
Goals: 12 Russian pizzas, 5 cows and 15 eggs
Strategies and Steps: Sell truffles to upgrade truck, warehouse, well and plane; also to purchase animals and products. Make and purchase ingredients for pizzas. Purchase pizza factory and sell pigs.
• Sell 2-4 truffles depending on when pigs produce truffles and how you prefer to water. Sell truffles by the 25 second mark.
• Upgrade well to your preference
• Upgrade truck and warehouse 2 times
• Upgrade plane 1 time
• Purchase 1 cat, 6 chickens, 1-2 goats and 1 cow
• Purchase 12-15 flour sacks
• Sell truffles and 3 bears
• Upgrade warehouse and truck to the maximum
• Purchase 5 cows and 5 goats
• Purchase 12-15 cheese leaven
• When plane returns, purchase 12 butter thickeners
• Sell truffles and chickens after 15 eggs have been collected
• Purchase 12 fish
• Sell pigs and truffles when truck returns after selling chickens
• Purchase and upgrade pizza factory to the maximum amount you can afford
• Sell goats after 15 cheese have been produced along with any pizzas
• Sell cows when 12 butter and sour cream have been produced
• Upgrade pizza factory to maximum capacity if not already done
Level Times: Gold 6:00 (+2,000 stars), Silver 7:00 (+1,000 stars), Completion (1,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $60, 5 chickens, 4 goats, 4 cows and 1 truffle pig
Goals: 20 Russian pizzas, $200,000
Strategies and Steps:
• Sell 1 cow and 2 goats
• Pick up milk and truffles
• Start separator when you have 3-4 milk
• Upgrade truck, warehouse and well 1 time
• Sell truffles and cream
• Start powder when you have 5 eggs
• Purchase cat and upgrade well to your preference
• Purchase 10 butter thickeners
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 1 time
• Sell more truffles and 5-10 butter
• Upgrade truck, warehouse and plane to the maximum
• Purchase 20 flour sacks
• Purchase 20 butter thickeners
• Purchase 20 cheese leaven
• Make butter and dough 5 at a time
• Make cheese 3 at a time for now
• Sell truffles and bears
• Sell chickens when you have 20 dough
• Purchase 3 goats
• Make cheese five at a time
• Purchase 20 fish
• Purchase pizza factory don't upgrade until $200,000 goal is met
• Sell pizzas
• Sell pig when you have $175,000
• Sell cows when you have enough butter and sour cream for pizzas
• Upgrade pizza factory and expedite production after $200,000 goal is met
Level Times: Gold 6:30 (+2,000 stars), Silver 7:30 (+1,000 stars), Completion (6,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $500, 5 chickens, 2 goats, 2 cows and 2 truffle pigs; 5-item powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and butter factories
Goals: 30 Russian pizzas, 5 pigs, 5 cows, 5 goats
Strategies and Steps: Sell truffles to upgrade warehouse, truck, well and plane to maximum. Cage and sell all bears. Purchase 5 cows after all upgrades. Upgrade pizza factory before purchasing pigs.
• Upgrade warehouse 1 time
• Purchase 5 cheese leaven and 5 butter thickeners
• Sell 2 truffles
• Start powder, curd and separator with available products
• Upgrade well, truck, plane and warehouse 1 time
• Purchase 10 butter thickener and 5 cheese leaven
• Sell 4 truffles
• Sell truffles, 5 butter and 5 thickener
• Purchase a cat or 2
• Upgrade warehouse, truck, plane and well to max
• Purchase 30 flour sacks
• Purchase 10 cheese leaven and 10 butter thickeners
• Make dough, cheese and butter
• Order products as needed
• Sell truffles 4 at a time
• Purchase 3 cows
• Bears will attack about the time you should have 30 dough
• Sell chickens, bears and truffles
• Purchase 10 fish
• Purchase pizza factory
• Order more products before you need them
• Purchase another cow
• Upgrade pizza factory before purchasing additional pigs
• Purchase 3 goats and sell when you've made 30 cheese
• Purchase 4 pigs after pizza factory is upgraded to the maximum
• Sell pigs
• Finish making the pizzas and sell cows when no longer needed
• Expedite pizza production
Level Times: Gold 2:40 (+2,000 stars), Silver 3:40 (+1,000 stars), Completion (7,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $30,000; 1 pig; 5-item powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and butter factories
Goals: 1 Italian Pizza, 5 cheeses, 5 olives
Pizza ingredients: dough, butter, truffles, cheese and olives
Strategies and Steps: This level is easy to achieve gold time. Of course, ya gotta' cage and sell the bears.
• Purchase 3 goats, 1 cow and 1 chicken
• Upgrade warehouse 2 times and truck to maximum
• Upgrade plane 1 time and purchase 1 flour sack, 5 cheese leaven and 1 butter thickener
• Cage and sell bears along with any truffles (probably 1-2)
• Start egg powder and dough as soon as you have the egg and sell the chicken
• Sell chicken and truffles (probably 1-2)
• Purchase 5 olives
• Start curd when you have 5 milk and sell goats
• Start separator when you have 1 milk and sell cow
• Sell pig; make sure you have 1 truffle
• Purchase pizza factory as soon as cheese is completed
• Start pizza
• Sell 4 cheese and 4 olives
Level Times: Gold 4:20 (+2,000 stars), Silver 5:20 (+1,000 stars), Completion (8,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $1,000;5 chickens, 2 goats, 2 cows, 2 pigs; 5-item powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and butter factories
Goals: 10 Italian pizzas, 3 pigs, 10 truffles
Pizza ingredients: dough, butter, truffles, cheese and olives
Strategies and Steps: Here's another easy one. Obviously you will automatically meet the 10 truffles goal if you meet the 10 Italian pizzas goal. But...since there's not much money in the beginning...sell truffles to upgrade and purchase supplies.
• Sell 3 chickens
• Upgrade well and warehouse 1 time
• Purchase 5 cheese leaven and 5 butter thickeners
• Make curd and sour cream 2 at a time for now, until warehouse is upgraded fully
• Upgrade truck 1 time
• Sell 2 truffles
• Start separator and curd 2 at a time for now
• Purchase a cat
• Upgrade truck to red and warehouse 1 more time
• Sell 2 more truffles
• Purchase 10 flour sacks
• Upgrade truck to blue
• Sell 4 bears and 4 truffles
• Upgrade plane 1 time
• Purchase 5 cheese leaven and 10 butter thickeners
• Upgrade warehouse to max
• Sell bears
• Sell chickens and goats when you have 10 dough and 10 cheeses along with 2-3 truffles. You need to purchase the cheese factory when the truck returns ($25,000)
• Purchase 10 olives
• Sell bears and pizza
• Then sell pizza, cows and the 5 extra butter and any extra truffles beyond what is needed for pizzas
• Purchase a pig, sell pigs and pizza
• Upgrade pizza factory completely
Level Times: Gold 5:30 (+2,000 stars), Silver 6:30 (+1,000 stars), Completion (9,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $0; 4 truffle pigs; 5-item powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and butter factories
Goals: 20 Italian pizzas, 40 eggs
Pizza ingredients: dough, butter, truffles, cheese and olives
Strategies and Steps: Another easy level to obtain gold time. You might want to purchase extra cats to assist in gathering.
• Sell 2-4 truffles depending on water supply and when the pigs produce truffles
• Cage and warehouse 1 polar bear
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 2 times and well 1 time
• Purchase a cat
• Sell 4 truffles and bear
• Wait for 2 polar bears before purchasing animals
• Cage and warehouse 2 polar bears
• Purchase 5-6 goats and 5-6 chickens
• Upgrade warehouse and truck fully and well to your preference
• You might want to purchase another cat
• Upgrade plane 2 or more time
• Purchase 20 cheese thickeners
• Sell 4 more truffles and bears
• Purchase 4 cows
• Purchase 20 flour sacks
• Make cheese, dough and butter 5 at a time
• Sell goats when you have 20 cheese
• Purchase 20 olives
• Purchase pizza factory and start making pizzas upgrading to max as you can afford
• Sell chickens when you have 40 eggs and 20 dough
• Sell animals when you have enough products for pizzas to upgrade pizza factory
Level Times: Gold 7:00 (+2,000 stars), Silver 8:00 (+1,000 stars), Completion (1,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $0, 5 chickens, 4 cows, 4 truffle pigs; 5-item powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and butter factories
Goals: 30 Italian Pizzas, 30 sour cream, $400,000
Pizza Ingredients: dough, cheese, butter, truffles and olives
Steps and Strategies: This level can be a little more challenging by having a good balance of animals to water. Try not to have too many animals so you have enough water, but still produce enough by products to make pizzas. Also losing animals to bears and lack of water can be challenging.
Sell pig and a cow to get started. Sell truffles to make all upgrades and purchase supplies and goats. I had trouble keeping enough water even with well maxed out if I had more than 3 chickens, 5 goats, 3 cows and 3 pigs. Emphasize on making 30 cheeses, sell the goats to start making pizzas. Also make the last 10 dough bowls and butters while making pizzas to have enough room in maxed out warehouse.
• Sell a pig and a cow
• Upgrade warehouse, truck and well to the max
• Sell 3 truffles and 2-3 chickens
• Purchase cats and dogs to your liking
• Purchase 5 goats
• Upgrade plane fully
• Purchase 20 flour sacks
• Sell truffles and bears
• Purchase 20 butter thickeners
• Purchase 30 cheese leaven
• Make 30 cheese and sell goats
• Purchase 10 olives and pizza factory. Sell enough truffles to purchase pizza factory and upgrade 1 time ($55,000 total)
• Sell chickens when you have 20 dough and 10+ egg powder
• After pizza factory is started order the 10 flour sacks and 10 butter thickeners
• 4 Polar bears will attack, make room in warehouse by starting dough and butter, then sell pizzas and bears
• Purchase butter thickeners 5-10 at a time until you can make enough to sell pigs and cows to make $400,000. Amount depends on how items are collected and if you lost any animals
• Sell animals to make $400,000, make sure you have enough truffles for remaining pizzas
• Upgrade pizza factory fully and expedite making the rest of the pizzas
Level Times: Gold 8:00 (+2,000 stars), Silver 9:00 (+1,000 stars), Completion (8,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $200,000; 5-item powder, dough, curd, cheese, separator and butter factories; Italian pizza factory can be purchased for $25,000 and replace powder factory
Goals: 40 Italian pizzas, 5 pigs, 5 cows, 5 goats
Pizza Ingredients: dough, cheese, butter, truffles and olives
Steps and Strategies: Upgrade truck, warehouse, plane and well to the max. Purchase 7 chickens and concentrate on having enough dough/powder for 40 pizzas. Purchase 2 each of pigs, cows and goats and have 10-15 truffles, cheese and butter before starting pizzas. Upgrade pizza machine to make 2 pizzas at the very beginning.
• Purchase 7 chickens and 2 cats
• Upgrade well, truck, warehouse and plane to maximum
• Purchase 2 cows, 2 goats and 2 truffle pigs
• Concentrate on making 40 dough
• Have 10 cheese, 10, butter and 10 truffles ready before starting pizzas
• Sell 5 truffles to purchase pizza factory and upgrade 1 time
• Sell chickens when you have 40 dough and powder combined
• Purchase 10 olives
• Sell 2 pizzas
• Purchase 3-4 cows and 3-4 goats
• Sell more pizzas
• Wait to purchase additional pigs until you can purchase 3-4 pigs at the same time to make goal
• Upgrade pizza factory to the maximum
• Sell animals when you have enough products for the pizzas
Level Times: Gold 2:30 (+2,000 stars), Silver 3:30 (+1,000 stars), Completion (9,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $20; 1 chicken, 1 goat, 1 cow and 1 pig; 5-item powder, dough, curd, separator, butter and truffle slicing factories
Goals: 2 German pizzas, $50,000
Pizza ingredients: dough, curd, butter, sliced truffles and nuts
Strategies and Steps: This level is more challenging and you have to use your resources wisely; you may also have to practice to receive gold time.
• Sell 1 sliced truffle as soon as possible
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 2 times
• Purchase 2 flour sacks and 5 butter thickeners
• Sell bears, 2 curd and another sliced truffle
• Produce powder, dough, curd, sour cream and cheese 2 at a time during this level if you can transfer goods in your warehouse to do so.
• Produce truffles 1at a time for now
• Purchase 2 flour sacks and 5 butter thickeners
• Now produce sliced truffles 2 at a time
• Sell 2 butter, 1 sliced truffle, chicken and 1 goat
• Purchase 2 nuts
• Sell cow, bear and pig along with any extra 1 sliced truffle, dough and milk; this should give you over $50,000 (make sure you have 2 butter and 2 sliced truffles in process before selling animals)
• Purchase pizza factory and upgrade 1 time to make 2 pizzas; expedite production
Level Times: Gold 4:00 (+2,000 stars), Silver 5:00 (+1,000 stars), Completion (10,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $65,000; dog and a cat; 5-item powder, dough, curd, truffle cutter, separator and butter factories
Goals: 5 German pizzas, 2 pigs, 2 cows and 2 goats
Pizza ingredients: dough, curd, butter, sliced truffles and nuts
Strategies and Steps: This level can be challenging. I think it's easiest to put animal by-products in factories 2 at a time except the eggs. Sell the 2 curd, truffles and butter at a time with a bear or 2. Sell chickens when you have enough eggs for 5 dough bowls. Purchase the second goat when you start your first pizza, sell the goats and a pizza. Purchase a cow when you start your second pizza and sell with the second pizza. Sell bears and a third pizza, then purchase pigs and sell.
• Purchase 1 pig, 1 cow, 1 goat and 2 chickens
• Produce sliced truffles, curd and butter 1-2 at a time
• Produce dough 5 at a time
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 2 times
• Sell 1 bear and 2 sliced truffles, 2 butters and 2 curds
• Purchase 5 flour sacks and 5 butter thickeners
• Sell 2 sliced truffles, 1 butter and another bear
• Purchase 5 butter thickeners and 5 nuts
• Sell 2 sliced truffles, 3 bears and the chickens (you should have 5 dough by now)
• Purchase pizza factory
• Purchase another goat if you can afford it
• Sell goats, pizza and bears
• Purchase a cow when truck returns and sell the cows with a pizza
• When truck returns, purchase a pig and finish pizzas, expediting production
Level Times: Gold 3:50 (+2,000 stars), Silver 4:50 (+1,000 stars), Completion (11,000)
Given Provisions: $0, 3 pigs; 5-item powder, dough, curd, truffle cutter, separator and butter factories
Goals: 10 German pizzas, 10 curd and 10 sliced truffles
Pizza ingredients: dough, curd, sliced truffles, butter and nuts
Steps and Strategies:
• Sell a bear, be careful not to over water
• Warehouse other bear
• Upgrade warehouse
• Sell 6 sliced truffles
• Upgrade truck 3 times and sell bear and 3 sliced truffles
• Purchase 5 chickens, 2 goats and 2 cows (a cat if you want)
• Upgrade warehouse fully and well 1 time
• Purchase 10 flour sacks
• Sell 6 sliced truffles and bears
• When plane returns purchase 10 butter thickeners
• Start dough, curd and butter
• Purchase 10 nuts
• Sell chickens when you have 10 eggs
• Purchase pizza factory
• Sell 1 pizza and pigs if you have 10 truffles
• Upgrade pizza factory as much as you can; ultimately to maximum
73-PICKLE LANE 1 **NOTE YOU MAY HAVE A VERSION WHERE YOU CAN'T MAKE GOLD TIME** if you're version doesn't have the times below, then you probably won't be able to make gold time as gold time is lower than the best time
Level Times: Gold 2:00 (+2,000 stars), Silver 2:30 (+1,000 stars), Completion (5,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $0; 5 chickens, 5 goats, 5 cows and 5 pigs; 5-item powder, dough, separator and butter factories; can replace powder and dough factories with curd and cheese factories for purchase; can purchase truffle cutter and pickle factory in place of separator and butter factory
Strategies and Steps: This level is very difficult to make gold time and may take practice...practice...practice. You'll probably loose some animals. The steps below will work sometimes after factoring all variables to finish this level. The only way I could make gold was to upgrade the truffle cutter and pickle factory to 3-item production to finish in time. Another trick is to keep the truck moving at all times and expediting factory productions.
• Sell 1 pig and 2 goats, try to sell before the warehouse and truck drop completely
• You can actually wait to water until the truck almost reaches the city
• Put this water near the well, as bears won't attack for a while and you can gather products and upgrade the well quicker when the truck returns
• Try to only collect truffles, eggs and cow's milk at first
• When truck returns, VERY QUICKLY, upgrade well to max, purchase 2 cats, Upgrade warehouse and truck 2 times. (you need the left-over money for the other factories)
• Start powder and separator with 5 items each, expedite production
• Sell chickens, 1-2 goats and truffles (Selling goats and chickens as early as possible, will help save the cows from starvation)
• Purchase 5 flour sacks and 10 butter thickeners (you may not use all 10 thickeners)
• Start separator again
• Make dough and butter 5 at a time
• Sell goats when you have 5+ goat's milk and all but 1-2 truffles
• Keep the warehouse as empty as possible to warehouse bears and sell them
• Purchase curd machine and upgrade 2 times as soon as 5 egg powder have been made
• Purchase 5 leaven and 5 marinade
• Sell butter, sour cream and cows
• Purchase truffle cutter and upgrade 1 time; start 2 truffles
• Sell any truffles over the total quantity of 5 (sell 3 ruffles, if 2 are in the cutter) that you don't need and the pigs
• Purchase pickle factory and upgrade 3 times, upgrade cutter 1 time and put in 3 truffles; expedite production
• Put 2 truffles in cutter and pickle factory the first time and 3 the second time. Depending on how many animals I saved and products gathered/produced, you can sometimes upgrade the cutter and pickle factory to 3-items initially (very rare).
Level Times: Gold 2:40 (+2,000 stars), Silver 3:40 (+1,000 stars), Completion (7,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $60,000; 2 pigs, 5-item truffle cutter and pickle factory; French pizza factory
Goals: 6 French Pizza's, 10 eggs, 10 cow's milk, 10 goat's milk
Pizza Ingredients: Egg, dough, curd, butter, gherkins pickles
Strategies and Steps:
• Purchase 2 chickens, 1 cow and 1 goat and 1 cat
• Upgrade well 2 times
• Upgrade truck, warehouse and plane to max
• Purchase 3 dough, 3 curd, 3 butter, 3 marinade and 3 gherkins
• Start truffle cutter when you have 3 truffles
• Cage and sell bears along with any milk
• When truffles are pickled, make 3 pizzas
• Sell pigs when you have 3 more truffles along with any milk
• Sell 3 pizzas, along with any extra truffles, milk and eggs
• Purchase 3 dough, 3 curd, 3 butter, 3 marinade and 3 gherkins
• Purchase 5-7 cows and 5-7 goats when truck returns. Purchase 1 cow and 1 goat for each milk of each kind you need
• Upgrade well to max
Level Times: Gold 6:40 (+2,000 stars), Silver 7:40 (+1,000 stars), Completion (1,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $50,000; 4 goats, 4 cows; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, curd and truffle cutter factories; can purchase German pizza factory in place of powder factory
Goals: 4 pigs, 16 German pizzas
Pizza Ingredients: Dough, butter, curd sliced truffles and nuts
Strategies and Steps: This level is relatively easy to get gold time. Get prepared to make 16 German pizzas, make pizzas, buy pigs; then upgrade pizza factory.
• Purchase 3 chickens
• Upgrade well, truck and warehouse 2 times
• Sell 1 cow and 2 goats
• Purchase a pig when the truck returns
• Purchase 5 flour sacks and 5 butter thickeners
• Make powder/dough, curd and sour cream/butter 5 at a time
• Slice 2 truffles
• Sell 2 sliced truffles, 5 butter and 5 curd
• When truck returns, purchase a cat and upgrade truck and warehouse fully
• Upgrade plane 2 times and send for 10 flour sacks and 10 butter thickeners
• Sell bears and 2 sliced truffles or the amount of product to purchase $30,000 pizza factory
• Purchase additional products for pizzas
• Send the plane for 7 flour sacks, 10 butter thickeners and 5 nuts
• Sell chickens when you have 16+ eggs/powder/dough
• Purchase pizza factory and start making pizzas
• Sell goats when you have enough curd for pizzas
• Purchase pigs as you can afford them
• Keep cows until all pigs are purchased and/or you have enough truffles for pizzas; then sell animals
• Upgrade pizza factory
Level Times: Gold 5:00 (+2,000 stars), Silver 6:00 (+1,000 stars), Completion (9,000) stars
Given Provisions: $0; 10 chickens, 5 cows, 5 pigs; 5-item powder, dough, curd, separator, butter and truffle cutter
Goals: 25 German pizzas, 10 butter, $300,000
Pizza ingredients: dough, butter, curd, sliced truffles and nuts
Strategies and Steps:
• Sell 10 chickens, practice the art of watering at first
• Sell 1 cow and 1 pig
• Upgrade warehouse, truck, well and plane to max
• Purchase 1-2 cats
• Purchase 6-7 chickens after grass is pretty full and bears have been captured
• Purchase 25 flour sacks
• Sell bears and 5 sliced truffles
• Purchase 30 butter thickeners
• Purchase 5 goats
• Make powder/dough, curd, sour cream/butter and sliced truffles 5 at a time
• Purchase 10 nuts right before selling chickens
• Sell chickens when you have 25 eggs/powder/dough
• Purchase pizza factory
• Make pizzas and sell
• Upgrade pizza factory 1 time before reaching $300,000 goal
• Sell additional truffles and butter until you can sell all your animals to reach $300,000 (you may have lost some to bears or starvation)
• Upgrade pizza factory and expedite production
Level Times: Gold 2:30 (+2,000 stars), Silver 3:30 (+1,000 stars), Completion (10,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $0; 1 chicken, 5 goats, 1 cow and 1 pig; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factory; can purchase Chinese pizza factory for $40,000 in place of powder factory
Goals: 2 Chinese pizzas, 5 eggs, 5 cow's milk, 5 goat's milk
Pizza ingredients: dough, butter, sour cream, marinated truffles and beans
Strategies: This level is a little more difficult. You have to use your resources wisely. Start by selling 3 goats. Produce enough by-products to upgrade to prevent bear damage and to purchase additional required supplies for pizzas.
• Sell 3 goats, be careful with the water; you can wait to water until the truck is almost to the city
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 1 time
• Send airplane for 2 flour sacks and 4 marinade
• Sell 4 goat's milk
• Send plane for 2 butter thickeners and 2 beans
• Upgrade warehouse 1 time
• Make truffles, dough, sour cream and butter 2 at a time
• Sell 2 marinated truffles and 2 polar bears
• Upgrade truck to the max
• Sell goats, goat's milk and bears
• When you have 2 truffles, 5 eggs and 5 milk, sell pig, cow and chicken with 1 cream
• Make additional cream while waiting on truck
• Purchase pizza factory and expedite production
Level Times: Gold 4:40 (+2,000 stars), Silver 5:40 (+1,000 stars), Completion (11,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $1,000; 2 pigs; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factory; can purchase German Pizza factory in place of powder factory for $40,000
Goals: 6 Chinese pizzas, 12 marinated truffles
Pizza Ingredients: dough, butter, sour cream, marinated truffles and beans
Strategies and Steps: This level is easy to make gold time. Sell marinated truffles to purchase cows, supplies and pizza factory. Then make the pizzas.
• Purchase 5 marinade and 5 flour sacks
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 1 time
• Purchase 2 chickens
• Sell 2 bears
• Make marinated truffles and dough 5 at a time
• Sell 5 marinated truffles
• Purchase 5 marinades and 1 flour sack
• Purchase 2 cows
• Purchase 6 butter thickeners
• Make sour/cream 2 at a time so you have 2 sour cream available for pizzas
• Sell 2 butters and 2 pickled truffles
• Purchase 6 beans
• Upgrade warehouse 1 more time and truck to max
• Sell the other bear and chickens
• Purchase 4-5 more marinade
• Sell pigs when you've reached 12 pickled truffles
• Upgrade pizza factory
• Sell cows when you have enough butter and sour cream for pizzas
• Upgrade pizza factory and expedite production
Level Times: Gold 5:10 (+2,000 stars), Silver 6:10 (+1,000 stars), Completion (12,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $100,000; 10 goats; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factory
Goals: 12 Chinese pizzas, 3 Chickens, 3 cows
Pizza Ingredients: dough, butter, sour cream, marinated truffles and beans
Steps and Strategies: Sell goats to acquire 2 pigs. Sell marinated truffles to purchase 3 cows. Make ingredients for pizza. You can reach gold on this level if you pay attention to when your animals are no longer needed, sell the animals and expedite pizza production.
• Upgrade truck 2 times and sell goats
• Purchase 1 pig
• When truck returns, purchase another pig and 3 chickens
• Upgrade warehouse 2 times
• Purchase 10 marinade
• Sell 3 bears
• Upgrade plane
• Purchase 12 flour sacks
• Sell 5 marinated truffles
• Purchase 3 cows and 1 cat
• Purchase 5 butter thickeners and 5 beans
• Sell chickens when you have 12 dough
• Purchase 12 beans
• Purchase pizza factory, expedite production
• Produce marinated truffles, butter, sour cream and pizzas
• Sell animals when no longer needed and upgrade pizza factory expediting production
Level Times: Gold 6:10 (+2,000 stars), Silver 7:10 (+1,000 stars), Completion (1,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $0; 4 pigs; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factories
Goals: 20 Chinese pizzas, 5 pigs, $400,000
Pizza ingredients: dough, butter, sour cream, marinated truffles and beans
Strategies and Steps:
• Sell 4 truffles, watch the water
• Slice 4 truffles
• Upgrade well, truck and warehouse 2 times
• Purchase a cat and 5 chickens
• Upgrade plane 10 times and purchase 10 flour sacks and 10 marinade
• Make sliced/pickled truffles 5 at a time
• Make powder/dough 5 at a time
• Sell 4 pickled truffles
• Purchase 5 cows and make sour cream/butter 5 at a time
• Purchase 10 flour sacks and 10 marinade
• Upgrade truck and warehouse to max
• Purchase another cat
• Purchase 20 butter thickeners
• Sell 5 more sliced truffles
• Sell chickens when you have 20 eggs/powder/dough
• Purchase 20 beans
• Purchase pizza factory and upgrade 1 time
• Purchase 20 more marinade
• Sell pizzas
• Purchase another pig
• Sell pigs and cows when you have enough products for pizza and the total will be $400,000+
Level Times: Gold 8:30 (+2,000 stars), Silver 9:30 (+1,000 stars), Completion (10,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $100,000; 10 chickens; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factories; Can purchase Chinese pizza factory for $40,000 in place of powder factory
Goals: 30 Chinese pizzas, 10 sour cream
Pizza ingredients: dough, butter, sour cream, marinated truffles, beans
Strategies and Steps: Well, isn't that'll definitely need more than 10 sour cream to complete the pizza goal! Purchase pigs as fast as you can to sell marinated truffles for upgrades, products, cows, cats another pig and the pizza factory. Upgrade pizza factory completely. It's relatively easy to achieve gold time.
• Sell 4-5 chickens
• Purchase 2 pigs when truck is headed back to farm
• Purchase 3 marinades
• Sell 3 bears; 1 at a time
• Purchase 5 marinade
• Sell 3 pickled truffles
• Upgrade warehouse and truck to the max
• Sell 5 marinated truffles
• Upgrade plane to the max and purchase 30 flour sacks
• Purchase 2 cats and 3 cows
• Upgrade well to your liking
• Purchase 20 marinades
• Sell 5 more marinated truffles
• Purchase another pig and a cow
• Sell chickens when you have 30+ eggs/powder/dough
• Purchase 20 butter thickener
• Sell 5 more pickled truffles
• Purchase 10 beans
• Purchase pizza factory
• Start making pizzas
• Purchase 10 beans and 10 butter thickeners
• Purchase additional marinades and beans before needing them
• Upgrade pizza factory as you can along with purchasing 2 more cows
• Sell animals when no longer needed
Level Times: Gold 3:00 (+11,000 stars), Silver 4:00 (+1,000 stars), Completion (11,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $1,000; 5 chickens, 1 goat, 1 cow, 1 pig, 1 dog and a cat; 5-item powder, dough, sour cream, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factory; can purchase curd and cheese factories in place of powder and dough factories; can purchase American pizza factory in place of separator for $45,000.
Goals: 1 American pizza, 1 egg, 1 cheese and 10 goat's milk
Pizza Ingredients: dough, butter, cheese, marinated truffles and salami
Steps and Strategies: It's relatively easy to receive gold time. Sell products for a few upgrades, to purchase products, factories and additional goats.
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 1 time
• Purchase 1 marinade and 1 butter thickener
• Purchase 10 flour sacks
• Expedite the production of the truffles and butter
• Sell goat's milk, butter and truffles
• Purchase 5 more flour sacks
• Sell 3 bears
• Purchase 3 marinades and 3 butter thickeners
• Upgrade truck and warehouse 1 time
• Sell 3 bears 5 dough
• Purchase 1 cheese leaven and 1 salami
• Purchase curd factory and cheese factory
• Start curd and cheese
• Sell all dough but 1 and chickens
• Sell 2 truffles, 2 butter, cow and pig (make sure you have 1 butter and 1 marinated truffle for pizza)
• Purchase pizza factory and 2 goats
Level Times: Gold 5:20 (+2,000 stars), Silver 6:20 (1,000 stars), Completion (12,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $50,000; 6 cows; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factory; can purchase curd and cheese factories in place of powder and dough factories; can purchase American Pizza factory in place of separator for $45,000
Goals: 1 pig, 5 American pizzas, 5 chickens
Pizza ingredients: dough, butter, cheese, marinated truffles and salami
Strategies and Steps: Very easy to get gold. Sell 2 cows and purchase a pig, purchase upgrade, products, animals and pizza factory. Upgrade pizza factory 1-2 times.
• Sell 2 cows
• Purchase a pig
• Upgrade warehouse and truck 2 times
• Purchase a cat
• Upgrade plane 1 time
• Purchase 10 butter thickeners and 5 marinade
• Sell 5 butter
• Purchase 10 more butter thickeners
• Sell 5 more butter
• Upgrade well 1-2 times
• Upgrade truck and warehouse fully
• Purchase 5 chickens and 2 goats
• Purchase 5 flour sacks, 5 cheese leaven and 5 salami
• Sell chickens after you have 5+ eggs, make powder then purchase curd factory and upgrade 2 times
• Sell 5 butter and 3 truffles
• Purchase cheese factory and upgrade 2 times
• Purchase 3 more marinade
• Sell animals when you have 5 of everything to purchase pizza factory
Level Times: Gold 5:20 (+2,000 stars), Silver 6:20 (+1,000 stars), Completion (13,000) stars
Given Provisions: $15,000; 2 goats, 2 cows, 2 pigs, 2 cats, 2 dogs; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factories
Goals: 10 American pizzas, 10, cheeses, $150,000
Pizza Ingredients: dough, butter, cheese, marinated truffles and salami (city bought)
Strategies and Steps: Bears... bears....bears...lots of them...cage and sell them. The hardest part is trying not to loose any animals to bears.
• Upgrade well, truck and warehouse 2 time
• Purchase 5-10 marinated
• Purchase 3-5 chickens
• Sell chickens when you have 10+ eggs/powder/dough
• Purchase curd factory and upgrade 2+ time when you have 10+ powder
• Purchase cheese factory and upgrade 2+ when you have 10+ dough
• Sell about 5-8 marinated truffles and some goat's milk to upgrade truck and warehouse completely and to purchase pizza factory
• Purchase ingredients/products as needed
• When you have enough products for pizza, sell the extra by-products until you can sell your animals to reach the $150,000 goal, then upgrade pizza factory
Level Times: Gold 6:40 (+2,000 stars), Silver 7:40 (+1,000 stars), Completion (1,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $0; 4 pigs; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factories; can purchase American Pizza Factory for $45,000 in place of marinade factory (oh great, the factory that makes the most money)
Goals: 20 American Pizzas, 4 chickens, 4 goats, 4 cows
Pizza Ingredients: dough, butter, cheese, marinated truffles and salami (city bought)
Strategies and Steps: Yup, cage and warehouse those darn polar bears. The hardest part is leaving enough room in the warehouse for bears, while having enough room for the pizza ingredients. Purchase goats when you have almost completed enough dough for pizzas. You can make the cheese and butter at the same time you're making pizzas. I don't like to upgrade well to the max...loose too many animals. Upgrade well just before max and water near warehouse.
• Sell 3-4 truffles
• Upgrade warehouse and truck to the max and well to your liking
• Purchase 2 cats and 5 chickens
• Purchase 10 marinade
• Sell 5 marinated truffles
• Purchase 2 cows
• Upgrade plane to your liking and purchase 20 flour and 20 marinade
• Purchase 4 goats when you right before you can sell your chickens
• Purchase butter thickener and cheese leaven 5-10 at a time so as not to fill your warehouse
• Sell 2-4 pigs when no longer needed for pizza ingredients (you can keep a couple of pigs and sell sliced truffles to augment upgrading the pizza factory)
• Purchase salami and pizza factory
• Make pizzas and purchase additional pizza ingredients before needing them
• Purchase cows to make a total of 4 and then sell when no longer needed
Level Times: Gold 6:50 (+2,000 stars), Silver 7:50 (+1,000 stars), Completion (15,000 stars)
Given Provisions: $40; 5 chickens, 5 goats, 5 cows, 5 pigs; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factories
Can purchase curd and cheese factories in place of powder and dough; can purchase pizza factory in place of separator.
Goals: 30 American pizzas, 40 truffles, 30 salami, $500,000
Pizza Ingredients: dough, butter, cheese, marinated truffles and salami (city bought)
Strategies and Steps: This level is easy to make gold. You guessed it...cage and sell all the bears
• Sell 1 pig and 2 goats
• When truck returns make upgrades...sell all the goats until you have about 20-25 dough.
• Sell marinated truffles for additional upgrades and supplies
• Concentrate on making dough and butter to meet 30 each.
• Keep selling marinated truffles, keep 5-10 in your warehouse to be prepared when you start the pizzas
• Sell enough truffles to upgrade pizza factory completely before making pizzas
• Order marinade, cheese leaven and salami 10 at a time while selling pizzas
Level Times: Gold 4:00 (+1,500 stars), Silver 5:00 (+500 stars), Completion (500 stars)
Given Provisions: $50,000; 5 chickens, 5 goats, 5 cows, 2 pigs; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter, curd and cheese factories; can purchase pizza factories in place of powder and dough factories
Goals: 5 Italian pizzas, 5 Russian Pizzas
Pizza Ingredients:
Italian: dough, butter, truffles, cheese and olives (city bought)
Russian: dough, butter, sour cream, cheese and fish (city bought)
Total Pizza Ingredients: 10 dough, 10 butters, 5 sour cream, 5 truffles, 10 cheese, 5 olives and 5 fish
Strategies and Steps: Super easy to make gold time...cage and sell all bears.
• Upgrade warehouse, truck and well
• Purchase cats
• Sell truffles to purchase pizza factories
• Make 10 dough, 10 butters, 5 sour cream, 10 cheese and sell animals
• Purchase olives and fish for pizzas
• Sell pigs after you've started pizzas and have at least 5 truffles
Level Times: Gold 3:10, Silver 4:10
Given Provisions: $60,000; 1 chicken, 1 goat, 1 cow, 1 pig, 1 cat and 1 dog; 5-item powder, dough, separator, butter and cheese factories; can purchase pizza factories in place of powder, dough and butter factories.
Goals: 1 French pizza, 1 Italian pizza, 1 Russian pizza
Pizza Ingredients:
French: dough, butter, curd, egg and gherkins
Italian: dough, butter, truffles, cheese and olives
Russian: dough, butter, sour cream, cheese and fish
Total Pizza Ingredients: 3 doughs, 1 egg, 3 butter, 1 sour cream, 1 curd, 2 cheeses, 1 truffle, 1 gherkins, 1 olive and 1 fish
Strategies and Steps: Easy gold. Sell bears.
• Upgrade truck and warehouse 2 times
• Make 3 plane trips consisting of:
• Purchase 3 flour sacks and 2 cheese leaven
• Purchase 3 butter thickeners and 1 gherkins
• Purchase 1 olive and 1 fish
• Start powder/dough when you have 3 eggs and sell chicken
• Start separator/butter when you have 4 cow's milk and sell cow
• Start curd/cheese when you have 3 goat's milk and sell goat
• Sell extra truffles and pig to purchase pizza factories
Level Times: Gold 1:30, Silver 2:30
Given Provisions: $2,500; 5 chickens, 6 goats, 4 cows and 5 pigs; 5-item powder, dough separator, butter, truffle cutter and pickle factories; can purchase pizza factories in place of powder and dough factories
Goals: 1 Chinese pizza, 1 German pizza
Pizza Ingredients:
Chinese: dough, butter, sour cream, marinated truffles and beans
German: dough, butter, curd, sliced truffles and nuts
Total Pizza Ingredients: 2 dough, 2 butter, 1 sour cream, 1 curd (you'll have to purchase curd from plane), 1 sliced truffle, 1 marinated truffle, 1 beans and 1 nut
Strategies and Steps:
• Upgrade truck 2 times and warehouse 1 time
• Sell goats and 1 pig
• Purchase 5 marinade and 2 flour sacks
• When truck returns, upgrade warehouse 1 time, truck to max and purchase cat
• Sell chickens (make sure you have at least 2 eggs) and bears
• Purchase 1 curd and 2 butter thickeners
• Make 2 powder and 2 dough
• Start separator when you have 3 cow's milk
• Slice truffles when you have 5 truffles
• Sell 2 pigs and cows (make sure you have 6 truffles and 3 cow's milk)
• Purchase nuts and beans
• Sell 3 pigs and 4 marinated truffles and any additional truffles (make sure you have at least 1 sliced truffle)
• Purchase pizza factories, upgrade as much as you can and expedite production
Level Times: Gold 3:10, Silver 4:10
Given Provisions: $50,040; 5-item truffle cutter, pickle, separator, butter, curd and cheese factories; can purchase pizza factories in place of separator an butter factories; can purchase powder and dough factories in place of curd and cheese factories
Goals: 1 Chinese pizza, 1 American pizza
Pizza Ingredients:
Chinese: dough, butter, sour cream, marinated truffles and beans
American: dough, butter, cheese, marinated truffles and salami
Total Pizza Ingredients: 2 dough, 2 butter 1 sour cream, 1 cheese, 2 marinated truffles, 1 beans and 1 salami
Strategies and Steps: Gold time is challenging to achieve and may take practice and some luck in getting animals to produce fast.
• Purchase 1 pig as fast as you can (careful with the water)
• Purchase 1 marinade
• Sell 1 pickled truffle and 1 truffle basket by 41 seconds (have to expedite truffle production and get a pig that produces truffle fast)
• Quickly upgrade warehouse and truck 2 times, you should also get another truffle
• Purchase 1 goat, 1 cow and 1 chicken
• Sell 3 bears
• Purchase 6 marinade (make truffles 2 at a time)
• Purchase 2 cheese leaven and 2 butter thickeners
• Start separator when you have 3 milk; start sour cream when you have 1 milk
• Start curds when you have 2 milk; when curds are finished purchase powder factory and start production
• When cheese is completed, purchase dough factory and expedite production
• Sell 3 bears, chicken and 3 marinated truffles (you should have 2 eggs)
• Purchase 2 flour sacks and beans
• Purchase 2 more marinade
• You should have cheese made by now
• Sell chicken, extra truffles and bears
• When truck returns upgrade truck 1 time
• Send cow (you should have cheese and cream by now), goat and extra cheese/milk
• Purchase Chinese pizza factory and expedite production
• Sell pizza and pig and purchase American cheese factory and expedite
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