3d Java Game Code

publicclassPanel00extendsJPanel {
Timer t =newTimer(1, newListener());
int ctr =0;
doubleG=0.1; //Gravitational Constant
finalint xpos =280;
double[] p2d = {280, 200};
double[] v2d = {0, 0};
int points =0;
int lives =0;
int sides =13;
double snorm =400;
double sd =450;
double sv =0;
boolean setlock =false;
boolean rdown, ldown;
double paddle =130;
double rtheta =0;
double ltheta =0;
int preset[][] = {
{0, 400, 135, 450,1}, //right paddle
{135, 450, 270, 400,1}, //left paddle
{270, 0, 300, 20, 1}, //first bouncey thingy
{291, 0, 291, 500, 1}, //right wall
{-1, 0, 270, 0, 1}, //top wall
{0, -1, 0, 500, 1} //left wall
int[][] balls = {
{80, 80, 30, 50},
{230, 280, 20, 200},
{50, 200, 25, 100},
{200, 100, 10, 500}
int lines[][] =newint[100][5];
for(int i =0; i < preset.length; i++){
lines[i] = preset[i];
int plen = preset.length;
int ct =0;
for(int k =0; k < balls.length; k++){
int px = balls[k][0], py = balls[k][1], radius = balls[k][2];
for(double i =0; i <2*Math.PI; i+=2*Math.PI/ sides){
lines[plen + ct][0] = px + (int) (radius *Math.cos(i));
lines[plen + ct][1] = py + (int) (radius *Math.sin(i));
lines[plen + ct][2] = px + (int) (radius *Math.cos(i -2*Math.PI/ sides));
lines[plen + ct][3] = py + (int) (radius *Math.sin(i -2*Math.PI/ sides));
privateclassListenerimplementsActionListener {
v2d[1] +=G;
p2d[1] += v2d[1];
p2d[0] += v2d[0];
if(p2d[1] >1000){
p2d[0] =280;
p2d[1] =200;
v2d[0] =0;
v2d[1] =0;
if(p2d[0] 280&& p2d[1] > sd){
p2d[1] = sd;
v2d[1] =Math.min(v2d[1], sv);
if(setlock false){
sv *=0.95; //the dampening coefficient for the springiness
sv -= (sd - snorm)/30;
sd += sv;
double rc =0.1;
rtheta =Math.max(-0.5, rtheta - rc);
rtheta =Math.min(0.5, rtheta + rc);
ltheta =Math.max(-0.5, ltheta - rc);
ltheta =Math.min(0.5, ltheta + rc);
lines[0][2] = lines[0][0] + (int) (Math.cos(ltheta) * paddle);
lines[0][3] = lines[0][1] + (int) (Math.sin(ltheta) * paddle);
lines[1][0] = lines[1][2] + (int) (-Math.cos(rtheta) * paddle);
lines[1][1] = lines[1][3] + (int) (Math.sin(rtheta) * paddle);
int rX = (int) p2d[0];
int rY = (int) p2d[1];
int r =10;
g.drawArc(rX - r, rY - r, 2* r, 2* r, 0, 360);
for(int i =0; i < lines.length; i++){
int x1 = lines[i][0],
y1 = lines[i][1],
x2 = lines[i][2];
double y2 = lines[i][3] +0.0001;
if(i > preset.length){
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, (int) Math.round(y2));
double bmag =Math.sqrt(v2d[0] * v2d[0] + v2d[1] * v2d[1]);
double lineslope = ((double)(x2 - x1))/((double)(y2 - y1));
double ballslope = v2d[0] / v2d[1];
//System.out.println(ballslope + ' ' + lineslope);
//xpos * ballslope + p2d[1] = xpos * lineslope + y1;
double binter = p2d[0] - ballslope * p2d[1];
double linter = x1 - lineslope * y1;
double y = (binter - linter)/(lineslope - ballslope);
double sx = y * ballslope + binter;
//double qx = y * lineslope + linter;
double la =Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
double ba =Math.atan2(v2d[1], v2d[0]);
double da =2* la - ba;
//System.out.println(sx + ' ' + y);
g.drawLine((int)sx, (int)y, (int)p2d[0], (int)p2d[1]);
g.fillRect((int)sx - 2, (int)y - 2, 4, 4);
g.drawLine((int)p2d[0], (int)p2d[1], (int) (p2d[0] + Math.cos(da) * 100), (int)(p2d[1] + Math.sin(da) * 100));
if(sx >=Math.min(x2, x1) && sx <=Math.max(x1, x2) &&
Math.min(y1, y2) <= y &&Math.max(y1, y2) >= y){
double interdist =Math.sqrt(Math.pow(sx - p2d[0],2) +Math.pow(y - p2d[1],2));
double tiny =0.0001;
double futuredist =Math.sqrt(Math.pow(sx - (p2d[0] +Math.cos(ba) * tiny),2) +Math.pow(y - (p2d[1] +Math.sin(ba) * tiny),2));
if(interdist <= bmag + r && futuredist < interdist){
//System.out.println('Carl Sagan' + i); //this is a pun because he wrote a book called Contact
if(i > preset.length){
int ball = (int) Math.floor((i - preset.length)/sides);
points += balls[ball][3] * bmag;
v2d[0] =Math.cos(da) * bmag;
v2d[1] =Math.sin(da) * bmag;
//System.out.println(sx + ' ' + qx);
//System.out.println(ballslope + ' ' + lineslope);
//double slope = Math.atan2(v2d[1], v2d[0]);
//g.drawLine((int) p2d[0], (int) p2d[1], (int) (p2d[0]+10*v2d[0]), (int) (p2d[1]+10*v2d[1]));
g.fillRect(xpos -5, (int)sd +10, 10, 20);
g.drawString('Score: '+ points +' Resets: '+ lives, 10, 15);
privateclassKeyextendsKeyAdapter {
if(e.getKeyCode() KeyEvent.VK_DOWN){
setlock =true;
sd +=2;
if(e.getKeyCode() KeyEvent.VK_LEFT){
ldown =true;
if(e.getKeyCode() KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT){
rdown =true;
setlock =false;
if(e.getKeyCode() KeyEvent.VK_LEFT){
ldown =false;
if(e.getKeyCode() KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT){
rdown =false;

Making a Basic 3D Engine in Java: Having a game take place in a 3D environment greatly enhances the immersion, but actually implementing a full 3D engine can be very complex. Fortunately, there are some tricks that can be used to achieve the 3D effect in a relatively easy way. The 3D game engines that are behind today's biggest games are staggering works of mathematics and programming, and many game developers find that understanding them in their entirety is a difficult task. If you are lacking in experience (or a college degree, like myself), this task becomes even more arduous.

commented Nov 2, 2016

It needs some kind of CPU limiter.

commented Nov 18, 2016

And what about the Main class??

commented Apr 2, 2017

Put a main method in code

commented Apr 6, 2017

how do i put the main method ? Am new to this stuffs.

commented Apr 6, 2017

how do i put the main method ? Am new to this stuffs.

commented Apr 19, 2017

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class MainForGraphics1
public static void main(String[] args)



commented Sep 30, 2017

Sir, Can I get Explanation to the above code regarding creation of components

commented Feb 6, 2018

Can you update the code according to @Eggcoop's fix?

commented Feb 26, 2018

what should i enter when it asks:-

Method Call
void paint Component(Graphics g)
panel001.paintComponent( ________)

what should i enter in the blank

commented Feb 12, 2019

does anyone have the class diagram for this program?

commented Jul 5, 2019

No main method?

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Active8 years, 6 months ago

I recently agreed to help a friend make a game he has been working on and I decided that I would prefer to write it in Java. I am unsure what the best route is to take for 3D in Java. I have found that most everyone talks about Java 3d for 3d graphics in Java, which seems to basically be a wrapper for Directx and openGL but I have also found that Java 3d hasn't been in active development since 2008. Is it still the best thing to use or is there something with more active development that would be better. I have seen some discussion about some other APIs but Java 3d seems to have better documentation and there are some fairly decent books on 3d programming in Java that all seem to be based on Java 3d.

3893 gold badges7 silver badges24 bronze badges

5 Answers

There are a number of options you have when writing 3D apps in Java.

  • JOGL is a very thin wrapper for OpenGL written in Java. Using it involves learning to program in OpenGL, which is no small undertaking. It does allow you to maximize your performance at the cost of a big increase in development time. If you happen to be familiar with OpenGL already , or need very low level functionality, this is your best choice.
  • Java3D is an object oriented extensions to Java that is easier to use then JOGL and has the advantage of being supported by the Java community. It's less used than some of the other solutions.
  • LWJGL (Lightweight Java Game Library) is a is a library for making games in Java with 2D and 3D graphics, and it also supports sound (OpenAL), and provides many useful features for games development. It's less suitable for other 3D development.
  • There are a number of other game engines built on LWJGL and the other libraries that provide a greater range of features than any of the others. JMonkeyEngine is probably the frontrunner of these. They will provide more functionality for you in terms of view control, animation etc.

3d Java Game Download

Which book you read entirely depends on which choice you make above.

Simple Java Game Source Code

22.3k7 gold badges47 silver badges67 bronze badges

JOGL is a modern replacement under active development. It's basically just bindings to the OpenGL library.


Java 3d Game Programming

212k51 gold badges381 silver badges423 bronze badges

Have a look at jMonkeyEngine and LWJGL.

jMonkeyEngine is being actively developed and it includes a complete toolkit and IDE for creating 3D graphics applications in Java.

LWJGL (Lightweight Java Game Library) is a library for making games in Java with 2D and 3D graphics, and it also supports sound (OpenAL).

162k38 gold badges267 silver badges306 bronze badges

A friend used Processing a while ago and found it reasonable.


3d Java Game Code

11k5 gold badges46 silver badges73 bronze badges

I haven't checked it out in a while, but JMonkeyEngine was the best Java 3D engine around.

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