Delete Old Java Versions

  1. Dec 08, 2016  We have a GPO to install java and have an older version in it. All I need to do is replace the older with this new. I have randomly updated java because of users getting out of date messages so we have multiple versions installed. I would like to have all older versions.
  2. Uninstalling older versions of Java from your system ensures that Java applications will run with the latest security and performance improvements on your system. How can I remove older versions of Java? Windows users can safely uninstall older versions of Java: when installing Java 8 (8u20 and above) or; by using the Java uninstall tool or; by manually uninstalling Java for Windows; How do I remove Java from my computer?
  1. Remove Old Java Versions Windows 10
  2. Java Removal Tool Windows 10
  3. Powershell Remove Old Java Versions

To uninstall older versions of Java. Windows 7 and Vista. Select Control Panel. Select Programs. Click Programs and Features. Select the program you want to uninstall by clicking on it, and then click the Uninstall button. Click Yes to remove the application.

Helping people with computers.. one answer at a time.

Sometimes old software will not be removed from your machine. You can clean them up but there's always risk. We'll look at how to minimize that risk.


by Leo A. Notenboom, © 2008

I wondered why space on my hard disk seemed to be disappearing so quickly and then discovered that programs such as Java and Adobe leave older/parallel versions of themselves behind when they update. I must have at least 500MB of Java versions at the time of writing. My question is can I delete these older versions and why doesn't Java do that automatically when it updates?

Delete Old Java Versions

The second part is easy: why? Who knows? There are so many possibilities,and in general it'll vary from vendor to vendor. And of course knowing whyprobably won't help us answer the first part of the question.

But I do have a suggested approach to cleaning up..

The general answer is yes, you can delete old versions that you know havebeen superseded by newly installed upgrades and newer versions.

But, wait.

Before you run off and start deleting folders and files and what not, weneed to take care. The answer isn't always yes. Sometimes, for various reasons,it's no.

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So we need to be careful about what we do.

'The general answer is yes, you can delete old versionsthat you know have been superseded by newly installed upgrades and newerversions. But, wait.'

Here's the approach that I would take:

  • Perform a full backup of your machine. And I do mean full.Make sure you're using a backup program or strategy that includes all files,registry settings and whatever else is on your machine. It's something youshould have as a regular backup strategy anyway, but this is a case where we'dproactively take a snapshot before making major changes.

  • Try Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel first. (that'sPrograms and Features in Windows Vista's control panel). Lookspecifically for the old versions of what you're attempting to clean up. Quiteoften if the old version has been left on disk, then it may well not have beenuninstalled at all, and may still appear here. If that's the case, this is byfar the safest way to remove it.

  • Look for a program-specific menu item in your system'sStart Menu. Specifically, look in the 'All programs' menu, andperhaps even some of the submenus like 'Accessories' or others. What we'relooking for is once again an uninstall program that is specific to the versionyou're attempting to clean up. Much like Add/Remove programs, the old versionmay not have been uninstalled, and this, too, would be a safe way to removeit.

Now if neither of those options are available, things get a littlescarier.

  • Locate the folder containing the old version. It soundslike you've already done this since you've identified that they're taking upspace.

  • Rename the folder. Perhaps rename 'application' to'application-readytodelete' so you can tell later why you renamed it. Thiseffectively removes it from system knowledge without actually deleting thefiles.

  • Reboot. This is important because renaming the container ofa file that's in use will often work without error - the file will still be inuse. Sometimes the same is even true for renaming the file itself. It's notuntil you reboot and Windows attempts to locate the file again that an errormight tell you it was in use originally.

  • Run a test period for 'a while'. Depending on how you useyour machine, and how pressing the need to clean up, this could be hours ordays. When in doubt, I'd just let things sit as they are for a few days and seehow it goes.

  • Rename it back and reboot if renaming it in the first placecaused errors, or any errors occurred during your test period. Based on thoseerrors you can decide on how to proceed, but the obvious answer might be toleave it alone.

  • Delete the renamed folder if no errors result during thetest period. Chances are that the old version is no longer in use, and hencecan be safely deleted.

Note that I said 'chances are' in that last item. There's still certainly apossibility that something you hadn't tried during your test phase actually didstill require what you had deleted.

That's why we started with a backup. If any step along this path fails, youcan always revert to, or restore portions from, that backup of your system thatyou started with.

Article C3316 - March 12, 2008 «»


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001f‹00030003 Professor ED
March 14, 2008 7:13 PM

Remove Old Java Versions Windows 10

Far better method of install would be to uninstall all copies including registry referances,delete referanced files,reboot. Then install latest version itself; This is not unlike a clean install and will have the best results with no problems..

Java Removal Tool Windows 10

Carl R. Goodwin
March 14, 2008 8:49 PM

Best thing to do is a total reformat every 6 months - cleans all the junk out. Just make sure you download all the newer versions of everything first, and then install those.

Powershell Remove Old Java Versions

March 19, 2008 10:17 AM

I would add one step in the process. After renaming, I would zip the folder and delete the unzipped source folder. System is sometimes smart enough to locate files within a renamed folder. It doesn't always fail. Zipping will keep the files and folders out of systems reach, yet full recovery is possible if needed.

July 18, 2010 3:16 AM


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I initially wrote this PowerShell script to auto-update Java silently, but after some testing I came across various problematic scenarios which made me look into silent uninstalls, which have now been implemented in the script. There's an -UninstallFirst parameter that, if a new version of Java is found on the website, will cause Java to be uninstalled, and the new version to be installed. There is also an -UninstallOnly parameter which is most relevant to this thread. The logic in these scripts in this thread relies in either Win32_Product or the registry being parsed for a string that matches something, and, if so, uninstall the product/application.

Due to the issues mentioned with Win32_Product (it actually checks all installed products' integrity, and thus is slow, and potentially even harmful), I parse the registry, as the initial poster of the scripts does.

The string is a wildcard string, as interpreted by the -Like operator in PowerShell, and is configurable in the accompanying configuration file (technically you could use this script to uninstall any product with the uninstall string and using the -UninstallOnly parameter).

More information can be found in the article about the script here: